Saturday 16 March 2024

From PaulSS: Bataljon Jagers No. 27 - 120pts

Last weeks small submission meant that I was able to crack on with a larger unit of Dutch-Belgian infantry for the Hundred Days collection.

The 27th Light Battalion was part of van Bylandt's Brigade, taking part in both the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.

All the figures are from the Front Rank range now available from Gripping Beast.

This may be my last post in this years challenge for the Saturday-Caturday Club, so I want to say thank you to Dallas for being our minion and sharing the regular cat pictures and updates.

The flag for the colour party is from GMB Designs.

The flank company figures have fancy-pants shoulder boards and a green over yellow plume.

I'm currently working on a handful more in skirmish order to add to the collection.

Twenty four 28mm foot figures should add another 120pts to my total.


As usual you provide us with such lovely work to enjoy, Paul. These Dutch-Belgian infantry are excellent, especially the flank company with their extra splash of colour. I hope they give you good service in your coming Napoleonic campaigns. 

Thank you for joining the muster for this year's Challenge, Paul. It's always a pleasure to have you with us and to see what little gems roll off your hobby desk. Until next winter! 

- Curt


  1. @Curt, thank you, I think one more post then see you all next year. Thanks so much for running the challenge, it really got me motivated again.

  2. Fantastic entry- love the figures and the painting.

  3. Front Rank are some of my favorite figures to paint and you've done these proud. They look ready for anything.

    1. Thanks Bob, considering their vintage, they are lovely figures.

  4. Very nice, the banner is a nice contrast.

  5. Very nice crisp painting on these. A interesting colorful uniform too.

    1. Thank you Tom, the green and yellow does make a nice change from all those reds and blues.

  6. These models look so good Paul, it was a pleasure to minion your posts this year. Your painting is always so clean and crisp, just really really good stuff man!

  7. Excellent figures. I’m a big fan of Front Rank figures. Great challenge.

  8. My those are just lovely Paul. That green with yellow facings is really striking and you’ve nailed the yellow always a tricky colour.
