Saturday 16 March 2024

From RichardM - Last of the 6mm Napoleonics (118 points)

So a last submission before I go away on a weeks holiday.  I had the Italian Line Regiment that had not been completed before last week’s post to finish and then I looked in the drawers for anything already prepped / simple / small that I’d be able to get done in the few days I had available (I reckon I benefited from all three conditions as you’ll see).

So as a break seeing Italians, I’ll show the quick additions first.  You have to love greatcoats in this scale! And to make it easier, Leon has not sculpted shako cords on these greatcoated figures.  So we have two battalions of Russian Line.  I always feel like I am cheating when I paint a Russian Line battalion in greatcoats - but when you have a goal of doing Borodino  having some without any green at half the time to paint it is a pretty simple equation.  I have done the same with the French - but set a limit of no more than 20 battalions in greatcoats.   So here are the ‘boring’ (but quick) Russians.

Then I had a drawer full of Portuguese Line infantry in the British stovepipe shako.  I had undercoated these black to try a different style of painting a year or two ago and never started painting.  I normally paint from a white or grey undercoat.  The other benefit is that I planned these as only 24 figures per battalion - so much faster than the 36 figure Italians.  So my first two battalions of Portuguese line.

And finally back to the red, white and green.  The Light Infantry I have been painting so far were green coated.  These Line are white coated and with their different coloured shako plumes for each company are a more colourful proposition.  They are my 13th, 14th and 15th Line battalions and are the last of them.

So that is that then - once I got started in mid January and after my shift of focus, I have had a good time and got through a small chunk of what is left to paint for these Napoleonics.  I’ve also enjoyed seeing all of the other work and had my eyes opened to a range of miniatures that I would not normally see.


2 battalions of Russians at 40 figures each - 40 points
2 battalions of Portuguese at 24 figures each - 24 points
3 battalions of Italian Line at 36 figures each - 54 points
Total - 118 points.

From Millsy: Just when I think you've complete all the 6mm stuff you can fit in you find some more mate! Boring the Russians may be boring but that's the uniform and they're off the lead pile right? The Portuguese Line infantry look very fine in their British shakos too. Top brushwork and another 118 points.


  1. These look great. Excellent flag work!

  2. Really nice 6mm figures! And great free hand flags 😀

  3. Very nice- looking forwards to a group shot.

  4. Great work and fabulous look8ng troops. Well done.

  5. Loving these and tempted to do small scale Nappys
