Saturday 16 March 2024

From MilesR: Yee Gads yet more 10mm Russo-Japanese War and 15mm Russian Napoleonics (1,048 points)

Will this 10mm Russo-Japanese War project ever really end?  It's a question I keep asking myself and the answer is unknowable but, maybe, I'm getting close, so close....  Anyway I have completed another 6 Infantry and 1 Cavalry division with their sabot bases that I designed and cut on my laser cutter.

I like the sabot bases a lot as they have a little tray that holds a die for casualty tracking that have proven to be really stable in game play testing.  The name plates will be magnetized.  The bases also have their center point engraved as a tiny triangle for measuring firing distance and flanking.

With the addition of these divisions, I have enough troops to do even the battle of Mukden at a regimental level (each 3 stand sabot base is a regiment) so I've got enough to run the campaign at the club and as a participation event at this year's Historicon.

Here's a shot of some of the troops above along with others completed earlier in this challenge during a test game at the club - We were refighting the winter battle of Sandepu (Jan 1905).  It did not go well for the Russians....

Speaking of Russians, I needed a break from 10mm RJW and, I know this will surprise all of you, I may have a rather large lead pile - particular when it comes to 15mm Napoleonics.  With the publication of the new version of General d'Armee - very creatively titled General d'Armee 2, I was very keen to run a game up at the club and decided to paint up a bunch of Russian troops.  Maybe horde is a better term.  Anyway over the past 3 weeks I've been slapping paint on 11 infantry battalions and 4 cavalry regiments.  All of the artillery and officers were actually done as part of an earlier challenge (no points for them).

So here is the start of my Russian army and enough to run a good sized game of GdA2 on March 18 at the club

On the left we have 8 regular infantry battalions of 24 figures each

and on the right we have 3 Guard battalions and 2 small and 2 large cavalry regiments.  I just don't have time to finish the 4th guard battalion.  Sadly, this has not put a major dent in my Napoleonic Russian lead pile.  The figures are a mix of Old Glory and AB.  I did cheat on the basing as I used some of the Geek Scenics base ready mixes.  I really like them.  

So whats the tally?


288 Infantry at one point each = 288

24 Cav a7 3 points each = 72


264 Infantry at 2 points = 528

40 cav at 4 points = 160

That's a grand total of 1,048 points which should bring me above my 3k goal.  

I haven't been as active as usual this challenge due to work (I've had to step in as a CEO for a portfolio company, which is never a good thing and rather time consuming) but did any of you think I'd miss my target.  There are things that are important (work) and then there are things that are IMPORTANT (like the Challenge).  I may have one smallish post left in me but lets see how the next day or so passes.....

Oh, Gus just got groomed Friday and insisted that I post of picture of his new ultra fluffy look

 He really is rather fluffy.



I was wondering what may have happened to our storied mathemagician, and so I'm very happy at seeing your return to the warm embrace of the Challenge.

Wow, you have been industrious over the intervening weeks, though. Both your RJW and your Russian Napoleonics look tremendous, Miles. I'm particularly impressed with the design of your sabots - they look very posh indeed. The trouble of showing these off makes people (me) want to contact you for their very own versions. :) Beautiful work Mr. R. With your attention to detail (and invaluable playtesting) I know your Historicon game will be a huge success.

I look forward to seeing another post from you before the Challenge concludes for the seaon!

...and Gus is a very good (and fluffy) boy!

- Curt


  1. Miles going full Miles. Top stuff

  2. what a points bomb. Well done on some excellent work here Miles.

  3. Great points bomb Miles, its always good to see Napoleonics

  4. Boom! And 11/10 for the fluffy pooch.

  5. I love the Naps but Gus steals the show!

  6. Really amazing work Miles! Great to know you're still able to paint minis even while under pressure from work. And Guss is a very very good Flufff!! Can't wait to see the final statistics, if you have time 😀

  7. Emergency CEO sounds like a great job title. Amazing work on these armies.

  8. Great work, Miles! Your output never ceases to amaze me, again painting more than my Total for the Challenge in one submission. Fabulous! And Gus really looks amazing too, fluffy is all the trend isn’t it. Way to go!

  9. As suspected you’ve been a slacker. Amazing output Miles, love the bespoke bases.
