Monday 18 March 2024

From PaulSS: Bataljon Jagers No. 27 Skirmishers - 30pts

I had quite a busy weekend coming up, so I did not know if I would manage to get final post in before the challenge ended, but some persistence saw the skirmisher bases to go with Bataljon Jagers No. 27 featured in my previous post made it over the line.

The figures are again all from the Front Rank range now available from Gripping Beast.

Some close up's of the individual bases showing warts and all including what appears to be some terrible mould lines I missed in clean-up.

There were five flank company figures left and a single centre company, so this base is a bit of a mash-up.

Here they are screening the front of the battalion.

Six 28mm foot figures should add a final 30pts to my total.

I feel privileged to get to minion your final post Paul, as it features these gorgeous Dutch-Belgian jagers from the 27th battalion! The Front Rank sculpts are very nice figures and your painting is ace. I am particularly impressed by the highlights and shadows on the trousers, really well done. These skirmishers put the finishing touch on your beautiful unit and are a fitting conclusion to your Challenge I'd say. A great job and 30 final points to you!



  1. Lovely work; great colours.

  2. Yoir Dutch-Belgian jager uniforms are excellent. Even with the help of the camera I don't see any mold lines...

    1. Thanks Tom, it's most obvious on the skirmisher on the left in the last picture

  3. Man oh man Paul, so good. Really crisp and clean style, I wish I could paint this smoothly!

    1. Thank you Dallas, it's taken about 45 years to settle on this style.

  4. Thank you @Martijn hope you enjoyed the few Dutch-Belgian troops I added during the challenge
