Monday 18 March 2024

From RayR - Nature - Moooo!, Highland Cows 50pts


For my last post in the Challenge Library my I present some Highland Cows.

Nature: The great outdoors, or perhaps underground. Maybe outer space!

Definitely the great outdoors, not so much underground or outer space??

These fine specimens all the way from the Highlands of Scotland are brought to you from those great chaps and chapesses at Iron Gate Scenery.

They're a fairly new company, and have featured in many of my posts over the last few years.
If you haven't checked them out before, please do so, you won't regret it.

Two of the cattle are from a different company called Disain Studio, but I couldn't find a link to their site?

As you can see they were an easy paintjob, only 3 colours!

To the points!
30 points for the Cows
20 points for the bonus round.
For a total of 50!


I'll keep this brief and simple: Nice cows Ray.  Well done. :)

- Curt