Monday 18 March 2024

From TomL: Clearing the Desk (220 points)

The AHPC challenge of trying to post something weekly coupled with the wonderfully addictive nature of the Library theme generator really pushed my output and cleared out some boxes of unpainted figures.  

Thanks again to Curt, Sarah, Millsy and all of the minions for all the time & effort it takes to put on the AHPC.  While painting was a lot of fun, looking at all the other entries in the morning is something I am going to miss quite a lot. Hope to join again next year.  

Starting off this post is another lady adventurer. The last Pulp Adventuress on the painting table is Mrs. Mallowan from Bob Murch’s Daughters of the Empire set.  Painted with Foundry and Two Thin Coat paints.

Wandering in from the Congo box after he missed the last call for the Nature entry is a Wargames Foundry gorilla.

These are Wargame Factory Zombie survivors picked up at a GenCon in 2013. They were assembled in a week or two by my friend's young son, I painted a few and the rest sat on a shelf until I bought contrast paints. Painted in spurts over the last few years I decided to finish these last 10 so they can join the other 50 painted survivors.  They are a weirdly sculpted set in that all the heavyset figures clothes fit horribly - social statement? 

The final group is my Skaven.  Still have a few leaders & random old metal blisters but this unit of 24 completes my rank & file clanrats. These were painted with contrast, Foundry acrylics and Vallejo Metal color paints and dirtied up with Vallejo Game wash.

Two heavy weapon teams of death and destruction. Sometimes they even hit the enemy.

I believe points for this post would be 220.
36 28mm figures * 5 points = 180
2 28mm weapons with 4 crew for 40 points.  Assuming the weapon is 10 plus 5 per crew - correct as needed.

A great way to clean your desk Tom! Mrs. Mallowan looks very spiffy, I like the way you painted her skirt. Not a lady to mess with I think. The gorilla and the zombie survivors all look great, but I find your clanrats the true pièce de résistance of this contribution. The varied colours look great, and you have applied just the correct amount of wash to bind them all together while preserving some of the vibrancy of the colours. Very nice! Those weapon teams of death look horrifying, one wonders whose death we are talking about here. But they look terrifying  terrific, a fine job. Your calculations are correct I think, so 220 points added to your tally!
