Monday 18 March 2024

From Kerry T: A final post -Do you hear that thunder? (405 points)

 Morning, afternoon & evening all....

"Hey Luigi, isa gonna raina - I can heara thunder ana I feel it ina my bones".....

"Heya, Marco, look there - thata noisa is nota thunda".......

With apologies to my Italian friends!

Flags by Pete's flags and Maverick Models

Wargames Foundry Gendarmes

Casting Room Gendarmes/Knights

Not as gaudy as their French counterparts

They are on opposing sides as it happens

Based in 3s on 60x60mm on 2mm warbases

I hadn't originally planned to add these to my challenge entries but they somehow leap frogged others in the painting queue. I can't in all conscience take part in the AHPC and not enter some gendarmes.

I do have a few more and had decided on a bigger entry but I ran out of steam and couldn't face painting more! After a while it gets hard not to repeat colour combinations. I've half completed a pile of Perry plastic knights that will eventually bulk up my Italian Wars cavalry. They took the place of a planned entry of First Corps knights and Claymore castings & Antediluvian Scots for 100YW.

Quite a few planned entries didn't make the cut this year, probably because I didn't allow for a realistic painting time allocation for my entries and decided that this year I'd try and complete units and not chase squirrels.

One plan was to paint up quite a few female figures but that fell by the wayside in the end. Having bought a selection of females from the Burrows & Badgers range for the joy of painting I confess I have most left

This leaves me then with my final figure  the Cat Huntress

So in summary then

36 x 28mm cavalry at 10 points = 360 points
1 x 30mm figure @ 5 points
Lady Sarah's library cart @ 20 points
I'm going to claim a Literature bonus from the Rotunda as you can't get anything more "snooty and high brow" than French gendarmes - 20 points
Total 405 points

Finally a big thank you especially to Curt and Sarah for hosting the challenge and allowing me to take part. Taking part in the challenge is the highlight of my painting year. Enormous thanks to all the minions, especially Millsy for the time you all spend toiling on our behalf. Last but not least a heartfelt thank you to my fellow challengers whose own entries are inspirational and whose kindness, encouragement and support makes taking part so much fun.

Thank you


Out with a bang, as they say. I can definitely hear that thunder, what a great cavalcade to end your Challenge, Kerry. Fabulous work, I really like how you achieve such variety while somehow still binding these units together. They look absolutely resplendent with their flags and banners flying high, surely a grace for any wargames army. As such, well I am not going to begrudge you your Literature bonus, French gendarmes are indeed pretty high brow. The cat hunter is an amazing figure, you managed to capture the cat face really well. Is it just my imagination or is she seriously staring down on us mere humans? Anyway, she is a very fine figure to conclude your Challenge with. Thanks for all your great contributions and see you again in XV!



  1. Beautiful gendarmes. Wonderfully colorful yet cohesive as a unit.

  2. A thunder of colour indeed! Fantastic work Kerry, well done!

  3. Very impressive heavy metal Kerry!

  4. Absolutely smashing work Kerry! I was really looking forward to these after our last paint and chat and they've certainly lived up to expectations and then some mate.

  5. Great looking cavalry and how can you not love that Cat Huntress?! Great work Kerry!

  6. Wonderfully colourful and detailed and great setting for the photos. Brilliant stuff!

  7. Amazing colours on those gendarmes. Also like the cat lady
