Tuesday 23 February 2021

From GeorgeS - Oubliette - Rohan Warrior - (25points)

      Yes this challenge is great! Great idea and many many options ,I believe , for any painter..haha.

So, my contribution to this chamber is a classic 28mm LOTR "Rohan Warrior" converted a bit..
A small chance to do something out of 1:32 scale and one more chance for my favourite LOTR!
      This figure comes to me many years a go with broken spear and I've repair it with a broken spear from another broken same figure( to many broken..words). A beautiful double spear came out of this repair but the figure left aside waiting for a Rohan Army to be painted.,....sometime.. As the years passed and no attempt from me to paint the Army, I give this little Rohirrim the chance to be completed :)
    It is chosen between many competitors, so, Curt I will propose this great challenge to be a standard to all the forthcoming challenges.. hahaha... To many unfinished and forgotten figures will be ...always...

  So, 25 points for me out of it and walking on " The Tomb" chamber...

'Till next time...

Keep Up The Brushes!!

Nice work and congrats on clearing an old figure from the painting queue.
