Tuesday 23 February 2021

From ByronM - Cherokee Indians, Shrine, and Adventurers Landing ( 215 Points)

 It's been a while again since my last post, but at last I have something to show for a few projects.  The first of which is one that I was completely excited to start this year, figures for some games of Cowboys and Indians!  Last year I read a very interesting book called "Empire of the Summer Moon" which was all about the rise and fall of the Cherokee Indians.  

It was a very interesting book that briefly detailed how the Cherokee basically held off expansion to the north from the Spanish and then the Mexicans, then went into great detail about how they held off expansion to the west for the Americans for a long period of time. This led to the creation of the Texas Rangers and that started a extremely bloody conflict that lasted for decades. A very interesting read that really highlighted how in that time there were no good guys, not the Cherokee and not the Texas Rangers. The fights and raids were brutal on all sides.  What a great setting to wargame in!

I started out with the Cherokee as I felt they would be more interesting to paint.  Interesting being a funny word for what turned out to be a month long stall / hate for them.  It turns out that while the figures are awesome and have tons of character, that also meant that each one had to be painted like a character and it started to wear on me pretty damn fast.  As I have mentioned in a few past posts, my eyes have been changing prescription lately and I am finding it really hard to deal with fine details (having 3 different sets of reading glasses kicking around to swap between for different detail levels) and these just became extremely frustrating to deal with.

Over all, I am ok with how the flesh turned out, and with some of the details, but eventually I had to just power through and not put in as much detail as I initially wanted as I just couldn't focus on them anymore.  While they are passable for the table, I will likely have to go back when I get a steady prescription and touch up some things.  While not bad, you can see in the close up how far they are from my normal work... oh well....  But at least they are good for now, and I can move onto the Texas Rangers hopefully before the end of the challenge.

Next up, is an entry for the Shrine challenge room.  These Druidic stones are covered in viking runes and are 3d prints from Asgard Rising.  I printed 3 of them up and then based them on a 120mm base to set the scene.  This should make a great terrain piece for a variety of games. 

Last up is part of a ruined pier and some smashed up viking ships for the Adventures Landing challenge room.  These are again 3d prints from Asgard Rising and are very nice terrain features.  They are shown off here with some 28mm vikings to help with scale.

As for points, there are 15 mounted 28mm Cherokee Indians @ 10 points each for 150 points, the shrine for 0.25 of a cube = 5 points, the pier and ships for about 1 cube = 20 points, plus 2 challenge rooms @ 20 each is 40, for a grand total of 215 points!  Which should take me about my years goal of 1000 points a month early, Hurray!!!

Wahoo! A small points bomb at last! What a great set of entries. Mind you, a Druidic stone with viking runes? Those Nordic types are such vandals! I'll bet their scrawlings obliterated the original Ogham script...



  1. Great job Byron! I love the skin paints and horses in particular. I need to paint some horses other than straight coloured.

  2. Great collection of figures and terrain Byron.

  3. Great job indeed! Also a big fan of Asgard Rising ( I know the team behind it.. great chaps! ) and have a fair bit of their stuff printed up waiting in the wings there. Also painted up the shipwrecks earlier in the competition here. Great pieces all around! Nice one mate!

  4. Great looking Cherokees and I really like the shipwreck and standing stones, lovely!
    Best Iain

  5. The Cherokees are great, but I really like the scenery bits.

  6. Nice work on all of these. The Cherokee look cool, but I can imagine them being a chore to paint.

  7. I like the shipwrecks and the trick-shooting Cherokee and I see nine skullz!

  8. Well done Byron. Any painting project where the subjects are so individual is going to be a huge challenge, and switching lenses etc. cannot make it easier. Great job powering through it and just getting it done. And for all that, still looks excellent!

  9. Lovely work Byron. I can see the Cherokees being a bit of a bear to work on. I'm in the midst of a similar project, but pre-contact, and am mired in treating each figure as an individual (as they should be). It's a slog, but, like yours, will be worth it in the end. I also really like those ship wreck bases. Very cool.
