Tuesday 23 February 2021

From GrantH - 150 Points of WW2 era Imperial Japanese Army

After many weeks being swamped with work, I finally resurface for another post! Prior to this Painting Challenge, I had finished a fairly fleshed out collection of British Airborne, Chindit, and 1939 Polish armies for Bolt Action and Chain of Command and I realized that it was high time to build an Axis force. Since there are many people who run German armies in my wargaming circles, I decided to turn my attention to fielding something from the pacific theatre. These particular figures are from Warlord Games which offer a reasonably flexible line of plastic IJA.

The full group of 30.

The command unit. The one in the green Jacket is from the Special Naval Landing Force which I am in the process of finishing. I will say that the faces on these metallic figures were far more difficult to paint than their plastic counterparts since some of them lacked definition, though I also just need to practice face painting more. 

Squads 1 and 2. 

Anti-Tank Crew.

It was a nice change to work on something different from an Allied force, however, the yellowish colour of their WW2 uniforms is not nearly as appealing to work with compared to the blues of the Russo-Japanese War era kit. That said, I look forward to finishing the force with a detachment of SNLF soldiers and fielding them once the pandemic restrictions relax a little more. Anyhow, since there are thirty 28mm minis here in total, I am pretty sure that gives me 150 points for a good boost! Ideally, I will be able to finish those SNLF squads for another post before I get buried by work again....