Sunday 14 February 2021

From StuartL - A Grave Among the Stars - 25 Points

Hello everyone.

I'm sure that most of you will be familiar with the game Frostgrave, a fantasy skirmish game set in a ruined city. It proved quite popular for a while in my local gaming club, but had all but vanished from the tables even before Covid hit. The author of the game, Joseph McCullough is planning to release a Sci-Fi version of the game called Stargrave, which looks kind of interesting and I'm sure some members of my club will pick up. So, in a pre-emptive strike on my collection, I have painted up half a dozen alien characters. I have no idea if I will be able to use them in the game, but if the game is similar to Frostgrave, I should be able to work them in somewhere.

All of the minis are from Reaper's Bones range, though done in their Bones Black material which is slightly less bendy than the regular white plastic. They have a nice level of detail and painted up pretty quickly.

I have tried to give them a bright, colourful look, rather than the usual grim dark appearance of my usual SF minis games. I wanted them to look kind of retro, like the aliens you'd see on old TV shows and B-movies.

The three-eyed critter and the handler with the shock prod (and marigold gloves) are quite short, so I'm thinking they should count as half a model each? So I should score 4x 5 points plus 2x 2.5 points for a total of 25. Being skull-free and non-GW minis, I don't score any points for those side duels, but they are a unique entry in terms of my Squirrel count.

My running Duels totals:
GW Points - 806 
Skullz - 451
Squirrels - 16


  1. Fun! Nice work Stuart. The figures have a John Carter of Mars feel about them.

    1. Thanks Curt. I think Reaper may be drawing inspiration from Barsoom in some fashion.

  2. Always good to attempt a “preemptive strike” on a hobby project :-)

    1. Too many times a game has become popular locally and by the time I have minis done for it, it has dropped out of favour again. It's nice to feel ahead of the curve for a change.

  3. Great looking B movie aliens, always good to get ahead!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Hopefully the game takes off locally.

  4. Replies
    1. Me too, it looks like it could be a lot of fun.

  5. Those are great, love the Mystery Theatre 3000 vibe to them.

    1. Thanks Peter. MST3K was brilliant, glad I could hit that feeling with these guys.

  6. Nice work Stuart, I thought that one in the first pic was Shreck :)

    1. Thanks Paul, yeah, I can see it now that you mention it.
