Tuesday 1 March 2022

From ChrisW - 1 trip on Sarahs yacht and Planet Earth Planet of the Apes (665 points)

Travel to Mars and Earth this week, lets see if the plans work out...I doubt it will happen...but if not all this week then some for next week too.

 Well only made it to Earth...

So, if we did not set goals how else will be be disappointed? I could be like Peter in the movie Dodge ball and not set any goals, maybe I would get more sleep and not stress out trying to get stuff done, yeah, maybe. As I am sure people have noticed, I seriously under estimated how many points that I would be able to achieve throughout the challenge. Now that I am submitting my 10th post I realize that I still have not gotten any better at setting goals/targets

This week is another fine example of my poor estimation skills and an example of how I consistently think I will 'easily' be able to achieve whatever I have set as my goal only to find the hours flying by and me not getting everything done. I know boo hoo hoo!

This week starts with a journey via Sarah's yacht to planet Earth courtesy of Zira.

Then we land on a world turned upside down! Shock of shocks the cities are waste lands, and the world is ruled by apes. Yeah heard that one before.

 This week I went a little overboard and built a 3' by 3' gaming board for Pulp Alley meets Planet of the Apes. Standard styrofoam sheets carved up, painted, flocked and debris and details added. The Sidewalks are thick cardboard, the rubble piles in and around the buildings is made of cork sheets broken up into random chunks. 

As it looked when only 2' by 2'

I randomly gouged the surface, then painted it with black paint mixed with white glue. A textured brown past was applied to the rough areas and the urban bits were dry brushed various shades of grey. The highway had many layers of grey dry brushed over black 'tarmac' and dark grey sides. 


The dome on top of the building is a nice find. Dollar stores often sell globes of plastic plants. I bought one to disassemble to use the plants as small scatter terrain. It left me with a green plastic globe. Cut that in half and voila a roof dome.

 The spaceship is a paper kit that I downloaded for free, and printed at a larger scale. Still not up to a 28mm figure, but then the ones used in the movies were not really in proper scale either. The wreckage behind the ship is a bunch of bits from my bits box glues together. Note, the engine in the centre is actually a replica Stanly Cup toy. The part nearest to the capsule is off a Star Wars skiff.

The combatants

The humans

Anything not listed below does not count for points (cars, scatter scenery etc was not done for the challenge but is there for flavour)

The fence was done for the challenge just do not know how/if to score them.

  •  20 points for planet Earth 
  •  20 points for Sarah's yacht
  • 290 points for 25 human (2 kids counted as 1 person) & 33 ape 28mm figures
  •   60 points for 6 x 28mm mounted figures
  •   25 points for 1 x 28mm vehicle wagon and 1 ape crew
  •  40 Subway & back engine part 28mm vehicle
  • 120 points for relatively flat 36" by 36" table [see below]
  • 20 points for the two half buildings [combined] and debris
  • 40 points for the Bridge/highway 14 x 8 x 6
  • 30 points for the domed building 9 x 10 x 6 [without dome

 665 points

For the table my thoughts are:

36" x 36" = 6 cubes by 6 cubes = 36 cubes @ 1" thick. 

Divided 36 cubes by 6 = 6  6" x6" x 6" cubes = 120 points

Maybe my thinking is wrong...😇

   Squirrel points

  Previous weeks

  1. Super heroes
  2. Epic 40K
  3. Sci-Fi Robots 28mm
  4. Dystopian wars
  5. Dr Who                                                                                                                                            
  6. Pulp
  7. All Quiet on the Martian Front  
  8. Back of Beyond                                                                                                                               New this week
  9. Post apocalypse

That was certainly worth waiting for! And the honour of Team Tuesday is rescued with this mahoossive points-bomb from Chris! Huzzah!

That's a great looking table and a fantastic collection of Planet of the Apes figures. I can't fault your scoring for the terrain boards.

Now, to end my comments with a quote:

"Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it! [screams] You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"



  1. Massive 💣, Chris! A whole game with board! Well done! There is a lot to like here, but I like the combination of kits and kit bashing with the trash to terrain bit of the dome. Really neat stuff! 👏

    1. Thank you. I really do like to look for interesting shapes that might be of some use in some yet to be determined project. Often stroll the dollar store isles looking for stuff. Also I am a pack rat never throw anything out!!

  2. That is one heck of a presentation! Absolutely amazing! Your innovation in creating the gaming table is inspiring!

    1. Thank you. It was a sudden burst of inspiration that enabled me to get this done.

  3. Wonderful work, Chris! Where did you get those Apes? I have some from Crooked Dice, but they have a limited selection...

    1. Thanks! Sorry, I should have indicated where I got them in the post. Four of the apes are from Crooked Dice, while all the rest are from Ainsty Castings UK. They are quite a bit chunkier than CD apes.

  4. What an amazing table and figures Chris! Just downright awesome!

  5. Super looking points bomb,love the Hiroshima type dome, very smart!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you. I too could not help but see the similarity...

  6. Stinking great submission! Love it.

  7. I got damn dirty building it.

  8. Wow, what a superb entry. Well done!

  9. Super. Damn dirty apes. Excellent project and really takes me back to the Heston original movie. Well done.

  10. That board is magnificent! Bravo!
