Tuesday 1 March 2022

From TashaH Journey to the Outer Ring (Skaro) (Death Star)(Star Yacht)(89 points)


Finding myself on Skaro, we seem to have encountered a very strange doggo indeed. Perhaps Oscar should use the button thingamajiggy to find his way here. Maybe he could make a new friend! 



Speaking of friends, it would appear our robot doggo has made friends with a very odd cobra. I think we should avoid both of these creatures and continue on our journey…



The doggo is extra grumpy because, when I was basing him, I may have dropped him and got resin sand all over his face. Oops. 


Zipping over to the Death Star…

Hubris is on the menu at the Death Star today. 



As can be seen in every superhero story, hubris always plays a role at some point in the plot. I think it is inevitable when you introduce otherworldly powers to seemingly normal individuals. There is something to being drunk with power, it always causes problems! 

This Cyclops is from the WizKids Heroclix line. 



I made some poor paint point choices with this figure and then spent a lot of time trying to fix them. I am looking forward to the day when I won’t be using as many craft paints. They definitely have their place, but the actual model paints are such a dream to use in comparison! 



I’d now like to call on Lady Sarah’s Star Yacht for a relaxing ride to Babylon 5, utilizing this lovely Elf Cleric figure from Wiz Kids. She was a delight to paint. 



That’s it for me.  Have an amazing day!

The points:

Robot Doggo 24 mm - 5 points

Iron Cobra 18 mm - 2 points

Cyclops 32mm - 5 points

Elf Cleric 42 mm - 7 points 

Planet Bonus - 40 points

Star Yacht - 20 points

Total - 79

"There's a distinct whiff of collusion here!"

How very dare you! There has been no collusion whatsoever between myself and Tasha. Just because it's only been a couple of hours since I dumped her out of the maelstrom onto Skaro...I mean it's perfectly evident that she had figures waiting and ready to be painted for all the planets on the outer ring that she hasn't previously visited and got them painted, photographed and the post submitted in double-quick time.

Really, some people need to take their tinfoil hats off!

I suspect that Oscar would beat a hasty retreat and press a random button to get away if he came across that mean-looking doggo! Nice work on all of these!


Edit: score adjusted - I'd forgotten that it was 30 points for the planet you get dumped out of the Malestrom onto!


  1. Thank you Tamsin! Tin foil hats indeed!
    It’s been a busy painting week for me. I’m now enjoying my lounge on the Star Yacht.
    Was that a squirrel that just ran by?!

  2. Good job Natasha! I don't have a tin foil hat, so I just say it is very clever to paint an entry for each unvisited planet and then jump in to maelstrom! Very clever indeed, but you forgot to claim 30 points instead of 20 for maelstrom! Not very clever anymore?

    1. I keep forgetting that it's 30 points for having gone through the Maelstrom - I'd better adjust Tasha's scoring for LV426 and Skaro!

  3. Wow, seeing all of this, I thought for a moment it was Wednesday and Ray was doing another run around the planets...
    Also, that figure of Cyclops must be rare, as he is actually doing something...

    Snark aside, the painting is excellent! Great work, and well done!

    1. Haha Greg! I appreciate your snark! Truth be told, I believe that Cyclops is far from rare as he was deeply discounted (which was my motivation for his purchase!) 🤣

  4. Thank you Teemu! I only have figures for planets, so maelstroms are a fairly safe bet! If I happen to land on a planet I don’t have a figure for, I have a couple in reserve for the Star Yacht! Once I replace my 3D printer, I’m sure I will be overwhelmed by options! Curses for missing the bonus points for the maelstrom, I guess that is my equivalent of a yellow card!

  5. Wonderful work, Natasha! My favorites are the elf lady and the robotic fluffer. I need to find that model for a few of my 40k forces! I like the finish you gave him...even with the accidental sand bath!

    1. Thank you David! The Model for the Robot Dog is

    2. Thank you! I may have a bunch of spare cobras soon! ;)

  6. Great and creepy figures. There are no poor paint choices only lessons. Sometimes lessons need to be repeated….

    1. Thank you Peter! I seem to be learning a lot of lessons!

  7. Oh my Natasha you do Grim Dark very well too it appears! Very moody stuff makes the hair at the back of my neck stand up.

  8. A feast of different figures Tash. I do like the sandy robot dog! Top brushwork!

    1. Thank you Ray! The poor dog was not attractive with a face full of sand!

  9. Splendidly varied collection of figures!
    Best Iain

  10. Good stuff. Always learning and improving is the key. Well done.

    1. I’m definitely learning from the best of the best here!!

  11. That’s a very creepy dog-thing.

    1. I’m sure people would stay away if you were walking him around the neighbourhood!
