Thursday 8 February 2024

From GeoffreyT: Clean up of loose ends (Gift Shop, Local History, 80 points)

Hello Challengers,

First up this week I continue on in the west wing where I visit the gift shop.

These two are some Grenadier 28mm Liches from the late 80's, rather nice I say.  There was a third lich in the pack that I painted before the challenge for Rangers of Shadow deep.

I got these minis at a sale of old stock, somehow I ended up with two packs, so the other pack I will give to a friend.  there is only so many Liches you need, and the three that come in a pack is superfluous without doubling down on packs.

This is also 2 skulls for the tally.

Next I move back into the centre room, and pick up some points for Local History.  These 6 miniatures are called "the A-team" by Inquisition miniatures.  I think they might be some sort of spoof of the TV show, but cant remember any characters other than BA Baracus.  

These pieces are local history that veteran Australian miniature collectors may recall. Inquisition miniatures appeared in Australia in about 1991 and were heavily distributed in gaming shops locally but not overseas.  Many of the miniatures had uncanny similarities to Citadel miniatures of the time, but they were a bit thinner.  They were around for a few years and disappeared again in the late nineties.  

Now that completes all the shelves apart from the ones in the final room of the library.


8 x 28mm miniatures = 40 points

2 x library shelves = 40 points

Total = 80 points

Two skulls, bringing the total to Seven.

Kind Regards


From Millsy: Wow, that is some seriously ancient lead Geoff! I remember Inquisition Minis but only vaguely, I think we used some in our D&D games. There's a real charm to these and you have done them credit with your brushwork. It's lovely too see vintage minis given a new lease of life in an age when everything seems disposable. Great work and another 80 points for your tally!


  1. Those remind me of a lot of the early figure I bought as well, single plane with minimal motion for ease of casting but the unique faces showed strong features. Nice work.

  2. Yes, I do enjoy collecting old lead, they old figs have so much character.

  3. Hmmm, not the A-Team with which I'm familiar, but I love these old models!

  4. Yeah, great character with these models. Beautiful painting.

  5. What a great bunch of figures!

  6. Fabulous old school figures Geoff. Great facial painting. Well done.

  7. I haven't come across Inquisition Minis before. Very expressive faces.

  8. Those Liches are cool. Great expressions.
