Thursday 8 February 2024

From TomL: DIY & Sarah's cart (70 points)

Leading us to the DIY section is Bernadette, another figure from the Dangerous Dames II set by Bob Murch.

I needed some suitable statues for a horror game I have vague plans for in the future. I had this dream about how I could enhance the final battle by following the library path. This was not the first dream about painting and the path through the library but it was oddly specific. It made sense. I’m sure I am not the only one to dream about making more progress than the given day allows. Anyone?  No?

Moving on, some resin statues, extra bases and  thread bobbins were gathered from various places about the painting table and lead mountain.

A quick dry fit seemed like this would be perfect so I glued everything together. A textured black rustoleum primer did an excellent job hiding years of scratches on the bobbins which were used formerly as painting handles.  Being monstrosities from space and time I figured I needed something different for a paint scheme and turned to my Vallejo Galaxy Dust metallic shifting paint set.  I sprayed several different colors in alternating vertical stripes on the column which in person change beautifully with your viewing angle.  The crouching Cthulhu statues were painted in three of the green based shifters (body, tentacles, wings).  Again a really nice effect in person but rather hard to show in a picture. The reflective paint really messed with my white balance and I had to manually set everything.

The flower dotted ivy crawling down the column, the field of sickly beautiful flowers ringing it and the skulls scattered about them will tie in with other library entries destined for the game. Are they just stone or will they stand as soon as one crosses between them?

A bit of interpretation here for points so please adjust as needed:
1 x 28mm figure * 5 pts = 5 points.
2 x 51mm figures * 9 points  = 18 points. [Millsy - I've scored these as 54mm @ 10pts each]
The columns are 2.9”  by 5" by 3” or about 25% of a cube for 5 points.
Library cart - 20 points.
DIY - 20 points. 

10 warning skulls for the count.

From Millsy: You can never go wrong with anything Lovecraftian Tom, especially when you do something like this with it! I can't decide whether I think the reflective paint which makes them look weirdly wet or oily is better than the colourful basing. Your dame is also superb and I can almost hear her saying "Listen carefully, I will say this only once!" The math for the statues was off so I've corrected it for you, meaning 70 points for your tally!


  1. love it the is weirdly cool stuff, and good old Bernadette she is great

  2. Thanks for the maths correction Millsy. I do like how Bob Murch names his figures so I don't have too. Bernadette certainly is no one to argue with.

  3. Well done Tom, great statue idea with the bobbins

  4. Murch figures are classics and those statues are ace

  5. Great work. I won't mess with Bernadette. Also love the detailing on the plinths

  6. Love the female partisan and the Chuthonic statues are brilliant.

  7. Wonderful work. Definitely a dangerous babe/dame. Well done. bar

  8. Lovely partisan, and the statues are very atmospheric!

  9. I love those columns, the trailing vines are a great addition
