Thursday 8 February 2024

Thor's Day Sauna

During the last Challenge I had a post about Finnish sauna, so today we are going a bit deeper in the refreshing sauna tradition, sauna whisk. No, not whisky, whisk. And even though it says below "a bloody good feeling", don't take it literally, there is no bleeding, just a good feeling and better circulation. It is not necessarily every time used, but special days like Midsummerfest or Christmas and more often at summer cabins rather than at home in an apartment - there's some cleaning included, the leaves. You can use it yourself or ask the person next to you to take care of the process.
"Ah, being naked in hot sauna and getting spanked..."



A bloody good feeling

Nothing beats the feeling of sauna mixed with a bit of whisking with birch sticks. It really gets your circulation going! We have a bit of a disagreement, whether the whisk should be called vasta or vihta in Finnish. But there are no doubts about its health impacts though! The benefits of spanking yourself as well as the knowledge on how to tie the whisk are moved as a folk memory from generations to generations.

----- End of a Finn talking about Finland -----

Let's take a look at the entries, then...

  • MartijnN explores the library, dystopia and maritime - what a nice combination
  • MartinC explores the library and more, expect Russia, Spain and Durham at least
  • TomS explores the library, there will be Koreans, Japanese and Burmese
  • RayR in the library, a happy recovery and some Haitians
  • SteveA in the library, too, fantastic frostgravenians
  • BruceR - can you believe it? - NOT in the library, focusing on the Squirrel Union
I thought this would be a quiet day, but a lot happened during the night, so we have at least six entries today. We are back at the -14 degrees Celcius, but no wind, so it is quite ok. I'll be practising orienteering with my scout group later in the evening, our fingers might get a bit cold...


  1. I suspect certain people will pay good money for that !

    1. Yes, there are many who pay for different kinds of pleasures, indeed...

  2. A fine harvest after all! Have a great day Teemu!

    1. Yes, it looked quiet, but ended up quite normal.

  3. Sounds like a Dan Brown novel to me!

    1. Dan Brown has investigated lots of mytologies, why not sauna next?

  4. Gets your circulation going I bet. Have a great day.

  5. You're really selling Finland here aren't you - we'll roast you, then drop you in ice cold water than beat you with sticks. Have a good day and do what ever makes you feel good.

    1. Thanks, Peter, and welcome to Finland! The whisk is actually quite soft, because it is soaked in water and gets warm in sauna.

  6. Having good circulation in that weather is important.

  7. Still trying to figuring this out, whether it's a healthy thing or some sort of undercover masochists practice

    1. It is healthy, it is not supposed to hurt. :)

  8. Glad you stuck to the figure entry script and didn't post any pics of yourself in the Sauna Teemu :-)

    1. Hehe! Just trying to explain some Finnish things here, nothing else.

  9. Rough end of the shrubbery me thinks!
