Thursday 8 February 2024

From SteveA: 28mm Fantasy Wizard with Warband henchmen for Frostgrave [Fantasy] (80points)

This year I am aiming to paint up minis for games I am playing or am aiming to play.  Among the minis and games in my To Do pile is Frostgrave.    This here is about half of the minis I want to eventually paint up for options to build and grow my first Frostgrave Warband. 

I have fully embraced the notion that official Frostgrave miniatures are not required.  Thus the Wizard to lead my Warband is a recent 3d print found on Thingiverse and for the rest of  I dug deep into the pile of unpainted minis I assembled many years ago from the old GW Mordheim and Fantasy Battle kits.

Also for this year, I wanted to venture into painting some minis and terrain for  playing games in cold settings, as I never tried painting anything wintery before.  To make these mini bases frosty for Frostgrave, I painted white the classic basing mix of glue and sand.  Based upon a tip I learned when watching the mini painting hobby folks on the yootoobs, I also washed the white sandy  bases in an approximately  1-4 ratio of azure blue paint mixed with water to help imbue the white snow with an impression of  icy cold.   Then to break up the blue hue I also dabbed on a few spots of snow flock  that I picked up as an impulse buy from my local hobby shop. 

Since most of these pointy weapon wielders could find a home in games played within rather mundane world settings, I'll leverage the old grey beardy guy wearing a tall blue pointy hat who is holding a zippity-zappity staff to pull a challenging book from the Fantasy section of the AHPC library.

28mm figures 
 5 pts - Wizard(Foot Figure)        
20 pts - Thugs with Clubs (Foot Figure) [4x5pts]
25 pts -  Man At Arms with Sword and buckler (Foot Figure) [5x5pts]
 5pts -   Templar with Halberd (Foot Figure) 
 5pts -  Infantryman with 2h Sword (Foot Figure)
20 pts - Challenge Library = "Fantasy"

Total 80 points

TeemuL: Good looking group for Frostgrave, a game I'd been planning to try for couple of years, but not yet - there seems to be a constant stream of nice skirmish games and before I can get into one, the next one is on the door and the old ones are forgotten. Partial reason might be that my small gaming group has been very busy lately with lots of other things than gaming, so the gaming has gone down in general. But enough of me, back to the wizard and his companions.The bright blue works great on him, adding the coldness of the Frostgrave environment. The snow covered bases do their work, too. 80 points for you.


  1. Love the pointy hat wizard. Well done all the way around.

  2. A great cold weather frostgrave warband.

  3. Nice work, and quite right to ignore "official" miniatures.

  4. I think you've nailed the bases!

  5. Really nice submission Steve

  6. Ooooh nice! I’m in the same spot as Teemu, Frostgrave is on my bookshelf but little else has happened. But this is a very enticing post and thanks for sharing your basing recipe!

  7. A suitably frosty looking warband. Nice work.

  8. Nailed - that snow does look cold!

  9. Good work Steve on the warband

  10. A very well looking warband to roam Fellstad with!

  11. Lovely work. I love the blue of the wizards robes.
