Thursday 8 February 2024

From KentG: 18mm Napoleonic Wars Saxe-Gotha unbased (pts 69)

 First up this week is the completion of the Westphalian army
with this time, the addition of troops from the Federation of the Rhine 
There aren't a lot of pics this time as I packed up the figures for 
shipping as soon as they were completed. 
I even missed a couple of figures from the photos so of course 
didn't count them in, really happy with the figures but also happy
 to now get back to my 28mm French army again

46 figures in the photo, below are just a few pics with a few variations
of the figures

the three officers are my favorite out of these figures and was 
really happy with how they came out. 

Grenadiers with the red epaulettes and then two of the line infantry 

a few of the voltigeurs these are probably my next favorite,
I was silly enough to not check on the uniform before painting them the first
 time then realizing I had painted them completely wrong and did them again.

these last two pics are of Voltigeurs in great coats

As mentioned a fun paint but I'm glad to get back to 28mm,
that is until the next batch arrives.


                    46 x 18mm unbased foot @ 2pts each 92pts - 25% = 69pts

From Millsy: I know you hate painting these mate but you do such a good job with them. You even take the time to highlight the greatcoats and shako covers which is nuts and I love it. Minor German states are a favourite of mine in the period so I particularly enjoyed these. Cracking work!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Martin glad you like them, I am glad to see the back of them so I can once again focus on my 28mm but they are great minis these ABs

  2. Excellent painting on these Nappys.

  3. They look fantastic. Painting some twice though had to hurt.

    1. It sure did, not something i normally do I think it was the customers lack of information, the fact that the figures weren't quite correct, so it made it hard to work out exactly what I was painting. Thanks for the kind comment

  4. Superb painting as we've come to expect Kent, they are really crisp and pop

  5. very nice figures and painting style

    1. Thanks Norber, The bright clen colors aren't to everyone's liking so I'm glad you like them

  6. Lovely work. Makes me want to paint Nappys again.

    1. I hope you do, this challenge is so good and so bad for making one go out and buy new figures after seeing them here painted, but good if you already have them and go, I'm going to paint those.

  7. Beautiful brushwork on these marvelous AB sculpts.

    1. Thanks Curt, its amazing how they can sculpt figures that in many cases have better detail an a 28mm

  8. That's some very crisp painting!

    1. Cheers Sanders the customer is paying for 18mm to be painted at the quality of a 28mm

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks whites have taken me the longest to get right
