Thursday 8 February 2024

From RayR: Haitian Revolution - Farm Workers [Overdue & Returns] (70 points)


Well, what a few weeks that has been, being whisked off in an ambulance for a suspected heart attack, to be then told, good news its not a heart attack, but you've pneumonia and 3 blood clots on your lung!
After 10 days recovery in hospital I'm back home on the road to recovery, thank gawd!

These 10 figures were finished a few weeks ago, but I never got the chance to take any photos, so here they are now. They are I believe Eureka figures, although I can't seem to find them on their website??

These 10 figures will be added to my Haitian Revolution collection, but could be used for any period from the 1650's up to the ACW.

I'll be claiming some bonus points for the post, I'll be visiting the Overdue & Returns room. Definitely been avoiding these figures, but very willing to come back to the period!

Overdue and Returns: Those things that you've been working on, or have been avoiding, but are willing to come back to.

So to the points...

There are 10 figures @ 5pts each = 50pts

plus 20pts for the Bonus round

Making a total of 70pts

TeemuL: Good to have you back and glad you are recovered! Heart attack or pneumonia? Well, I guess the pneumonia is the preferred answer. And let me assure you, my Thor's Day emoji selection of "Sauna whisk" was chosen before I read you have been "whisked off in an ambulance."

Very nice civilians, always a pleasure to see them in Challenge. They could be innocent bystanders, something to protect or perhaps something to scare off and loot? And usable on different eras and theathers, like you said. Solid 70 points for you!


  1. Very glad you are recovered Ray, and more fine brushwork!

  2. The most important Overdue item is RayR! Great to see you back, and loving your Haitian project as always.

  3. Wow! Happy your are back, Ray, probably a very scary incident. These revolutionary bunch look relly good

  4. Welcome back Ray - as long as this ain’t the sandbag of all sandbags !

  5. Congratulations on your recovery! Hopefully your health continues to improve allowing for more painting. Nice civilians.

  6. It's Alive! Good to have you back. Nice job on these

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Great civilians Ray. Hang in there and keep wielding the brush.

  9. Glad you're back at the brushes!

  10. Interesting figures and period - very well painted!

  11. It's wonderful to have you back with us, Ray! More excellent figures from a unique period. Well done!

  12. Great to have you back Ray and that you have recovered, Love the figures

  13. Great figures, but more importantly - great to hear that you are back home!

  14. Very glad to see you back and getting up to speed, Ray! I always love your Haitian figures, these again are great!

  15. Sorry to hear about your recent hardships, Ray. I hope that you are doing better and will continue to produce awesome and obscure challenge entries for many more years to come.

  16. Best wishes Ray - good to see you painting again - nice stuff that brings back memories of your Haitians from last year

  17. Great work Ray, great to hear you are felling better and back at it


  18. Hello Ray - I heard you were ill so I am delighted you have returned to the fray with this interesting offering

  19. I love your Haïtian project and these figures will definitely create a more in depth experience while playing. Great painting!

  20. Oh blimey Ray. Hope you are feeling better. Lovely work here.
