Sunday 17 March 2024

From MartinC: The Last of the Russians (168 points)

 For my last post it seems appropriate to coincide the last of my Napoleonic Russians with the "free and fair" elections in Russia. I've been working on this project for about a year and now have a sizable force of a division and half of infantry and a division of cavalry and a Russian amount of artillery.

The last unit is the Kiev Grenadier regiment, this post seems laden with irony.

Once again these are Perry plastics with a mix of Perry and tweaked Warlord heads

I needed a couple more brigade commanders. this one I think is elite miniatures and from the estate of Scotty

The last command stand is from the Perry High command pack, a present form Dave (or Matt). THe map is drawn on, but you can't see it

This is a nice duo, and I added the dog, cos I had one.
Thus ends the Russians, for now. I had planned to paint a load of Bavarians to figth them but never got round to it.

Next up a couple of Hasslefree Sci Fi types, to add to my growing collection

It seems appropriate to end on a Lady Sarah figure. I have a weird steampunk German female colonial force and they need a commander

No clue where I got this, probably Scotty, nor who made it. But she's a nice figure.

I like to thank Curt and Sarah for again organise and putting up with this on going madness. It's been a great challenge with some beautiful and imaginative submissions. I'm glad turnip wars is less popular this year. Life has got in the way more than normal but I've posted a healthy total, mainly Russians and Boxers.
Secondly I would like to thank Teemu, you've been a great minion and have a well earned banana.

The final scores on the doors

22x28mm Russian Infantry = 110
Couple of flags = 2
2 mounted russian officers = 30  20
2 standing officers, dismounted horse and a dog = 16 (3x5 + 1 for the dog)
2 sci fi types = 10
Mounted Lady Sarah = 10

total = 178

A great post to end your Challenge, Martin, although I doubt these will really be the last of your Russians. The Kiev Grenadiers look great, let's see which direction they will be heading. The eye catcher of this contribution must, however, be your Lady Sarah figure. A very fine model and surely a very firm and decisive commander for your Colonial Germans, well done! I must agree with you that the lack of  vegetables this Challenge was somewhat refreshing. Your math was slightly off, two mounted Russians still only count as two mounted Russians @ 10 (and you are showing us only one of them I think), so the total will be 168. Still, a fine conclusion to another great Challenge from you!



  1. The lady riding side saddle was from my stash , made by Hinterland miniatures - now long OOP matey -. Time to crack on with your Bavarians , when you are not fixing your down pipe!

    1. Thought it was. Have loads of hinterland figs. Downpipe cream crackered

  2. Lovely work Martin. I love the pooch on the Russian command stand. That lady is quite formidable (is that an umbrella or shotgun in her hand?). Rest assured Turnips will return in a future Challenge. : ) Enjoy your upcoming retirement and best wishes on your move!

    1. Thank you and thanks for the challenge. She has a sword, but may change it for an umbrella

  3. Love the command stands- including the Lady Sarah!

  4. Really nicely dome Martin, my favorite is the Russians they are so nice.

  5. Ooh, Steampunk Lady Commander … formidable with either umbrella or rifle! Lovely 😊

  6. Well done Martin, really nice Russians

  7. Excellent work Martin and your Russian addition to your force are superb.

  8. Well done Martin! Really like those Ruskies.
