Sunday 17 March 2024

From MikeF - Old World Empire & Sherman Tank - Fantasy Room - 70 points

 While working on my Steel Legion army, I've been picking away at a few other things. First up are some test models for a possible Empire Army for Warhammer: The Old World. Since there are no models for the Empire yet, I'm using 3rd party models to represent most of the units. I experimented with Wargames Atlantic Conquistador box to stand in for state troops. I painted them up in Altdorf colors and I think they'll look pretty good ranked up. I needed to keep the paint scheme fairly basic as I'll have to paint a large number of these guys. The models naturally have a more Spanish aesthetic rather than Holy Roman Empire, but I think they'll work. I really enjoyed painting the Wargames Atlantic models. They're simple sculpts that aren't cluttered with details that bog down batch painting. The torso and legs come in one piece and can be armed with a variety of weapons including spears, swords, halberds, crossbows and arquebus. The price is also decent as you get 24 in a box for under $50 CAN. Judging by current Old World pricing, Empire State Troops should be about $90 CAN for 20. 

I'm claiming the Fantasy room for this group.

Second up is a Sherman tank for the game "Tanks for the Apocalypse." The game is from Snarling Badger Studio and takes place in an end of WWII post-apocalyptic America where the survivors have salvaged numerous Sherman tanks from the Lima Locomotive Works in Ohio and use them to battle for territory. The tanks are often given home modifications which may help or hinder you in the game. I had a 1/48 Tamiya Sherman that I've been using as a test model for various tank paint schemes. I gave it numerous conversions and a non-standard camo paint job.

6 x 28mm models = 30 points

1 28mm vehicle = 20 points

Fantasy room = 20 points

Total = 65 points

Looks like this will be my final post, so I'll hopefully see you all in December. Thanks for visiting!


Great work on these two very different projects Mike! Those pikemen look brilliant and will serve nicely for 'southern' Empire levies. I agree, the Wargames Atlantic sets are excellent. I've been using their STL versions and find the models to strike that balance between detail and not being too over complicated. Love the whacky post-apoc Sherman with it's blue Mickey Mouse camo. Also I see it won't run out of fuel or water anytime soon with it's jerry can reserve!

Thanks for pitching in with us again this year Mike. Hope to see you sometime this spring or summer when I'm in the 'Peg.

- Curt


  1. Nice work! The tank mashup turned out great and looks like a lot of fun.

  2. wonderful post Mike the Sherman isa stand out

  3. Nice Sherman. With those mods you could use it in a weird WWII game as well

  4. Very nice work. The empire gives me some nostalgia from the old hammer days.

  5. Great work. Wouldn’t want to ride in a Ronson with those Jerry cans strapped on the turret.
