Sunday 10 January 2021

FROM: Jez Todd Week Three Macedonians Part 2 - 70 points

 Dear All

End of Week Three already - trying to make sure I post something every week and managed to continue momentum with my Basic Impetus Alexandrian Macedonian army. A mixture of the Companians and skirmishers this week and all based for Impetus use. 

First up my Companion battle winners - I have a separate commander base to follow for Alexander himself.  

Followed by three bases of skirmishers- these are all Wargames Foundry but converted from the pack of 8 slingers. It was quite easy to switch and add in some javelins and a couple of figures seemed OK to convert and use for archers - saves a bit of cash anyway! 

For the first base I kept one figure throwing a rock as liked the look - he has a javelin as a back up. Personally think I would opt for a bit more attire than just a cloak ......

Should be able to finish off this army in part three! Points wise this week an extra 70.

All the best Jez


  1. Good looking skirmishers, lovely looking companions!
    Best Iain

  2. Very nice work Jez. I really like straw hats on the skirmishers and the arid groundwork looks spot on.

  3. Splendid ancients with lovely ground work.

  4. Very useful Hellenistic units. Well done.

  5. Nice work. The cavalry look very striking in the red cloaks and bronze armour.

  6. Good work. You say, that cloak is not enough, but I think they are well equipped...
