Tuesday 19 January 2021

From LeeH - The Guardroom - Gobbo Treasure Guard (47 points)

My entry for this room in the Chambers of Challenge is a modest homage to all those brave Goblin treasure guards that countless adventurers have encountered in dungeons from the earliest days of D&D right up to the present. Every dungeon seems to have a lone Goblin guarding a treasure chest in a 10x10 room, seemingly just waiting for a bunch of 'heroes' to come along, slaughter him and steal the treasure. These brave keyholders have too long gone unsung, unrespected & unrecognised! 

This little guy is from Midlam Miniatures, which if you don't know them, do a wonderfully eclectic mix of fantasy figures suitable for dungeon crawling. Many of their figures are quirky and unique...making them ideal fodder for the bonus rounds! I've got quite a few Midlam figures stashed away for future Challenges. Mind you they are such fun figures to paint its hard to say if they'll last that long in my lead mountain. 

I wanted to add a Treasure Chest to the base but I painted up all the ones I had last year. So, in the end, I decided to make a chest myself using Milliput. Not the greatest looking bit of sculpting, but it sets off the resin base nicely. 

This guy is also going to be my 'Entry Fee' figure so it'll net a few extra points on top of the CoC Bonus...seems appropriate that I should get some extra 'treasure' by panting him!

(Scoring: 1x28mm Figure + CoC Bonus + Entry Fee Figure = 45Points)

That's two Gobboes as entry fee figures in one morning! This poor chap doesn't stand much chance against the typical marauding band of murder-hobos that he will be guarding that treasure chest.

I'm going to give you a couple of extra points for the basing and for highlighting the plight of these poor, unfortunate souls.



  1. Great looking gobble and your reassure chest works very nicely.

  2. Lovely looking goblin/murder fodderhe looks ace! (If notlongfor this world!)
    Best Iain

  3. Not a goblin with long term career prospects, but a great mini regardless.

  4. Looks good- maybe a red tunic would have been more apt!

  5. Super looking figure in a nice little diorama, top marks 👍
    Regards KenR
