Monday 20 January 2020

From MilesR: Stats Update

Bang the gongs!  Ring the church bells!  Blow the trumpentts!  Do whatever the hell one does to bagpipes and, finally, alert the media!

That's right stat's fans, it's time for another mind bending journey on Mr Reidy's Wild Stats ride.  There will be numbers, there will be standard deviations, and there will be precious little insight.

Yes come on now and put your hands together for Challenge X's first statistical update.  Can I get a AMEN!!!!

Well we're one month into to Challenge X and there are some exciting things to report.  So buckle up, buttercups, and getting ready to get some math smacked upside your head .

The first thing to talk about is the size of Challenge X.  Reflecting the global movement towards resource conservation and fighting global warming, Challenge X if sporting a more compact and aerodynamic size of 67 participants vs the gas guzzling SUV size of 86 for Challenge IX.  Let it not be said we didn't do our part.

So without further ado - here's the summary table through month 1:

AHPC IX: Stats Summary: 1 Month In
Number of Participants
Total Points 20,44925,555
% of Target32%33%
# of Submissions
Submissions per Participant
Participation Rate
Avg Pts per Submitter
Avg Pts per Submission
Projected Points68,42979,428
Proj % of Target
Figures Painted
Cav / Art135226
Cav / Art134161
Cav / Art10823
Terrain "Cubes"2845
Points Distriution
X-Marks / Bonus Round Pts

Gosh, who doesn't love a wall of numbers.  I know I sure do.

What insights can we gleam from this dazzling display of numerlogical beauty?

1) X-Marks the Spot aspect has been a huge hit and has really changed the dynamics of how people or doing their work.
  - Just over 50% of the submission to date involved a challenge location.  That's a huge increase over the 20% or so that were bonus round submissions
  - People are submitting more submission with their being 4.4 per challengers vs 3.8 last year
  - I really think that the X-Marks the Spot concept is a huge hit

2) The huge choice thats out there in miniature games is starting to chip away at the dominance of 28mm as the scale of choice.  15's also took a huge hit while the other category zoomed.  Most of this is due to submissions covering scales that we haven't really had categories for like Black Sails, Cruel Seas etc.
  - some of the increase in "other" may be due to minion training but it will not be that much and indicates we may need to add more point categories.

3) While everything does change, it kind of stays the same - just like last year were sitting at 1/3 of the targeted points total and each submitter has achieved roughly 330 points to date - essentially the same as last year.

Total Points Projection (TPP)
The famed TPP machine has been cranked up and it's gears greased with kittens.  After some grinding and dark incantations a result did pop out.  Well it more like oozed out, but I digress.  I predict when the dust settles and Challenge X is in the history books we will have collectively achieved 68,429 points

Write it down that you heard that here first.


  1. "Amen"

    There, you got one at any rate! :)

  2. 'I paint, therefore I am.'

    So say we all.

  3. Great post, I love these stats posts.

    Something to keep in mind scale wise as well is potentially the scale creep out of 28mm. Several games have gone to 40mm and may account for some of the shift. Star Wars, arena rex, kingdom death, and more are all 35 to 42mm scale and account for a lot of my points so far, and I think I have seen other star wars as well.

  4. As someone who teaches people to lie with statistics, I salute your efforts today.

  5. Is the increase in submission per participant statistically significant? Or have you got less people to be more involved ... sounds like you should market this as a business plan to increasing productivity ...

    1. This year anyone can post any day, compared to once a week as was last year. People used to post bigger posts, but only once a week. Comparison between the challenges is tricky.
