Thursday 2 January 2020

From MilesR: Swedish Dragoons for Rousell's Sandhill - 84 Points

I really had a hard time figuring out what might pass muster for Rousell's Roost given his rather exacting time period restriction of 1660 - 1669.  Sadly, when one has a leadpile as big as mine, there's likely a figure for any time period.  In this case there are a ton of them form my Kkstarter for the game system "By Fire and Sword".  I present to you a unit of Swedish Dragoons (mounted and dismounted) which the rule books say go all the way up to 1660 - just making it into Ray's time band.
 These are metal castings in 15mm scale from Wargamer.Pl - the Polish based entity that publishes the by Fire and Sword rule system.  BFAS is a really fun game that I've played about 5 times but it never really caught on with my gaming groups.  It has a very innovative command control system and works for both skirmish level as well as army battles.
I've got a ton of unpainted Swedes, Poles and Ottomans to paint up and you may see a few more over the next few months.

This submissio has nine mounted and dismounted figures which totals 54 points.  That goes to 84 with the bonus points.

Rather than head straight to the Snow Lords lair next, I think I'll make a left turn and take the scenic route.

Gordon Bennett Miles, haven't you got anything else to do! These are lovely. Begrudingly stands back and admires the output