Thursday 18 March 2021


Good Morning Challenge-a-nista's Let me be the first to welcome you all to the last Thursday of Challenge XI.  Yes it is a moment of conflicting emotions.  First off, there is overwhelming joy that yet another Challenge will achieve its goals and likely become the high water mark of Human civilization.  But tragically most of you will also be feeling crushing despair at the thought of no more Thursday minion missives.  Fear not! You can also way go over to my blog for my idiotic musings anytime.

Upon firing up my computer, I see you have been very busy.  Really very busy.  There are already 13 posts waiting to be scored - 12 from yesterday (damn you International Date Line, Damn YOU!) and one this morning from that UK National Treasure, Ray.  That's right, we've got 905 points to post and I haven't even finished my first coffee.

I'll probably need to add extra rows to the spreadsheet (again) based on the volume of out put.  

That'll do Painters, that'll do.

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