Thursday 18 March 2021

from RayR - Haitian Revolution - Rebel Artillery 30pts


From what I've read so far, its highly unlikely that the Rebel force had or used any artillery. Some of the Rebels/slaves were very well treated and were highly educated, so I thought that maybe they might have had a little artillery training form the French or Spanish forces on the island. So I thouht it would be a good idea to include 1 artillery piece in their army.

I'm not at all sure what make this gun is? I painted it a a dark red colour to represent a captured Spanish artillery piece, which means if I ever fancy getting some Spanish, I can always use this gun.

How to represent artillerymen for the Rebel Slaves? Was my first question.
All 4 figures are from Front Rank, the first is from their Napoleonic Civilian range. I did consider a head swap but chose to keep him as he is and have him as a Mulatto (a person of mixed racial race). The kneeling figure is from Front Rank's AWI range, with a Trent Miniatures head swap. The chap with the bucket is also from their AWI range, again I painted this figure up with a lighter skin tone as I wanted to keep his hat. The last figure is again from their AWI range with another head swap

Points are easy...
10 for the Gun
5 each for the men
30 pts!


  1. I like your way of thinking, these chaps will come in really handy for sure! What do you mean "if" you collect Spanish? This gorgeous project of yours deserves no less than you adding them!

    1. Hmmm? You could well be right Sander. Perhaps I have some already?

  2. The gun and crew look great work. Nice conversions and top notch weaselling to justify painting them.

  3. Nice one Ray... I bet you have almost as much artillery in your collection as you do carts and wagons. Posties megalomania must be rubbing off on you. 😉

  4. Lovely looking artillery piece and crew!
    Best Iain
