Thursday 18 March 2021

From Guy B: [Guardroom] The Preobrazhenski Guards (oh and some more Scots!) [175 points]

What could be more fitting to guard than a unit of Life Guards? Here I present the Preobrazhenski Guards of Peter the Great - HUSSAR! 

So why on earth did I decide to collect a Great Northern War army? Was I hit on the head? No, I was jointly inspired by a ruleset Pikeman's Lament and by an article in Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy on the Carolean Death March. Yes, I must stop reading and being inspired by my own magazine, it gets expensive! 

The models are old Wargames Factory ones, which I intend to supplement heavily with metal models from Warfare Miniatures and Ebor. I already have a few of the excellent Wee Wolf Swedes, but could do with more of their Swedes or Russians. However, I think I'm stuck buying locally (UK) for now...

Here, I've tried creating some other regiments (the red is Moscowski and the green and white with the Karpus hat is Vologodski). Where possible, I've used cavalry heads as they are superior to the infantry ones. They have less 'googly' eyes, what I call the Farage look... (or Innsmouth look for you Lovecraft fans).

 But what are these guards guarding? It must be something pretty valuable, surely!

That's right! Peter the Great's latest great cannons to pound those Swedes into meatballs! Hussar! The guns are more Wargames Factory and the photo does not do them justice. The cannon crew were ... disappointing so again I will be finding metal crews. The cannons are painted Ork Flesh Contrast. Hussar!

Oh and here's some more Scots, all Crusader Miniatures. I had these spare just in case my Guards weren't ready in time. All are contrast paints with highlights. So now to totals, there are 23 GNW Russians, two cannon and four Scots. I roughly make that (assuming 10 points each for the cannon) 155 points plus the 20 points bonus. Hussar!*

* A reference to the TV series The Great. I only found out about it after I'd started this project!


  1. Excellent entry. Impressive turn out.

  2. Love the GNW Russians, you’ve done well with those rather dodgy WF plastics. Love the Farrage/Innismore juxtaposition! And getting seduced by your own publication, now there’s a punishment to fit the crime (am now humming G&S)

  3. Lovely looking Russians and Scots! Particularly considering the less than optimal set they came from!
    Best Iain

  4. Wonderful colours on these. Very nice indeed.
