Sunday 27 December 2020

From StuartL - What do you get if you cross an Owl and a Bear? - 25 Points

With Christmas behind us and the New Year looming in front, it is time to delve deeper into the Chambers of Challenge. Descending to level 2, the first chamber is the Hatchery. Finding something that fit the Avian theme wasn't too difficult, deciding which model to paint was. In the end, I plumped for a staple of the D&D series, the classic Owlbear. 

Ferocious and able to see well in the dark, the Owlbear is a prime example of why wizards and alcohol are a poor combination. For some reason, this specimen also has bony protrusions jutting out from it's spine.

As with a lot of my recent entries, this mini is from Reaper's Bones range of minis and will no doubt see play with my D&D group as and when normal life resumes.

And for the third picture, the chef and his bestest buddy from my last post are back to create a bit of an action scene.

So this should net me 5 points for the mini, (he's a bulky looking critter, but was really fast to paint being largely brown) and 20 for the chamber. No Skullz, Squirrels or GW side duels here sadly, so those totals won't be changing... yet.


  1. Ah, you've answered a question I have long wondered: do Owlbears hatch from eggs or are they born during hibernation. Thank you. :)

    1. Well I kind of assumed it was the egg, but I have no evidence one way or the other to be honest.

  2. *Shudder* I've had more than one Character evierated by an Owlbear in RPG's!

  3. A great rendition of a terrible beastie, well done!

  4. Great work! Love me a good owlbear encounter!

  5. Great looking D&D staple, when I played we never had one and always had to substitute it with a troll or something, good to see the real thing!
    Best Iain

  6. I suppose if its part Bear we know where it goes to the loo 😉
    Regards KenR

  7. Interesting creature, but great for this Chamber! Although I suspect those pathetic little wings will not be getting it anywhere soon.
