Wednesday 17 March 2021

From JonathanO: Mutant Bug - Lair of the Great Beast (28 points)

 My 6th and final post of the day! For the last location on level 3, before descending the stairs to the Altar of the Snowlord, I offer this Mutant Bug.  This is from the Mantic Games Mars Attacks game.

The miniature is more than filling the 50mm base.  For points I suggest 8 plus the location bonus = 28.

So with trepidation I descend the stairs to see what challenge awaits me at the Altar of The Snowlord.


  1. Well that’s big and nasty looking. Good luck with the Snowlord

  2. I hope I don't see him on my bathroom wall any time soon!

  3. it really is a nasty beasty, but well executed at that!

  4. So bad it almost looks like it came from Australia! Lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  5. Would look at home in Starship Troopers!
