Wednesday 17 March 2021

From JonathanO: Skeletons - Graveyard Beach (80 points)

 I had been busy finishing off a few figures to complete my journey to the Altar of the Snowlord.  The next location I was heading to was by retracing the route back to the Adventurer's Landing and on to the Graveyard Beach.  I needed something that I could paint quickly and that would also gain a few points as time was running out!

So I clipped the parts off the sprues of some Mantic Games skeletons and stuck 12 figures together then slapped some paint on the models and here they are:

I had pre-primed the sprues with Army Painter Skeleton Bone spray before the challenge, but I had not planned to complete these during the challenge so I had not assembled the figures.  After assembly, I touched up the undercoat with more Skeleton Bone, this time with a brush.  I wanted a dark colour scheme for the theme of this unit - the first in my Undead army for Dragon Rampant.  

I used mainly Citadel contrast paints as follows: 

Skeleton Horde - bones

Black Templar - shields and undercoat for armour and metal weapons

Stylish Purple  - tunic rags

Snakebite Leather for the belts and scabbards etc.

Wyldwood - wooden axe shafts

The armour and metal was drybrushed with Army Painter Plate Metal Mail.

Then a splash of dark magic potion (aka Nuln Oil) on the armour and weapons.

Some sand on the bases painted with Craft paint Burnt Umber and a drybrush of Skeleton Bone.  Finished off with a few Deadland tufts from Army Painter.


Isn't the Painting Challenge great for getting you to make progress on new projects?  In this case my Undead Dragon Rampant army has come to life!  I am quite pleased with how these turned out considering the quick paint job.  I will try to do some more units in the spring.

12 x 5 = 60 points plus 20 for the location = 80 points.

Next stop coming up soon....