Wednesday 17 March 2021

From MikeF - Space Marine Dreadnought for Minotaurs Chapter - 22 points

 I'm in the process of completing my final submission for the challenge, but managed to quickly bang off an addition to my Minotaurs Space Marine Chapter. A few months back I decided to repaint the first army I ever completed. The paint job was rudimentary and I was never very attached to it. I ended up stripping the entire army and have been slowly completing a few units here and there in the Minotaurs Chapter livery. Below is a Dreadnought. It was pretty quick to paint up and offered a nice change to the Sotek blue I've been laying on models for the past month. The chapter insignia are from Pop Goes the Monkey. He designs insignia for almost any chapter you could think of which are then printed by Shapeways. The insignia are well designed and fit quite nicely on the models. They're not cheap, but nothing in this hobby seems to be anymore!


Expect one more submission before the end of the challenge.

The only thing the Cap'n like more than big stompy robots is a tall ship and a star to sail her by. That plus the extra cool iconography has netted you a few bonus points for this bad boy. Good job Mike!

Cap'n Wednesday


  1. A great looking stomper, Mike! I always found it disappointing that the dreadnoughts in the game NEVER match up to their deeds and capabilities in the fluff. *pouts* Lets hope this chap carves (burns, shoots) his way to glory.

  2. That’s a metallic beast! Well done.

  3. Great looking dreadnought!
    Best Iain
