Friday 19 March 2021

From ArthurS and SanderS: Tribute at the Altar of the Snowlord or The Final Post! (330 points? )



It has come at last: The Final Post... and it should be the result of our combined efforts to appease the almighty Lord of Snow. 

As I regaled earlier this Challenge, Arthur has got it stuck in his tenacious little mind that the Challenge equals the Chambers of Challenge and so he really wanted to try and paint something for every chamber. Luckily more sensible voices kicked in (yeah I can be sensible sometimes) and we decided to skip some chambers as time or figures were lacking. But Arthur got stuck in anyway and when Curt tasked him with painting anything if it had but more than 4 colours, he rummaged around, found 2 more Space Marines and finished these for the Lord of Blizzards and Icetea.

 A sergeant and Heavy Weaponstrooper are added to the Powerwing Space Marine Chapter.

As Arthur and myself neared the Chamber of the Altar, travelling along the other Chambers, a plan (cunning or not) started to form in my mind. Before the start of the Challenge I had let Ray persuade me to enter his side duel of painting Napoleonics and I agreed to this because I had a large amount of Napoleonic Peninsular British lying on the Pile of Shame since last year's Challenge. These figures in themselves are a nice tale: some years ago I was trying to complete a boxed set of Warhammer Quest (the old one) and in my search stumbled along an almost compleet exemplary, the only niggle: it was a French Language version. It was cheap so I ordered it over and used all the parts to complement my English version. Now I was left with all the books in French...mais je ne parles pas Francais, parlez vous Anglais, Allemand ou Neerlandais? So What to do with them? At that time I also had a GI Joe side duel with Iannick in the Challenge of that moment and so I had to sent him the figure and if memory serves me right I sent the books along to him, for he surely speaks French. Some time later I received my figure from him and along with that some British Napoleonics marched from the windswept and frozen wastes, loosely called Canada. 

There were enough figures to build 2 regiments if I would but buy some extra officers and musicians, I don't know the source of the miniatures Iannick sent me, but I think they resembled Wargames Foundry's figures, so an order with them was placed.

Up comes last year's Challenge and I thought a smart move to enter them in the Challenge Island location of Tamsin: Piper's Peak. At this location one had to paint something that concerned figures taking a peak, are on the look out etc. Now I had a Wellington figure lying around and we all know he liked to play a game when on the road called: "Guessing what was beyond the next ridge" that should be appropriate enough. Time escaped me and I was never able to compleet or even start any of these figures. 

Therefore I was glad Curt asked me to finish some more Napoleonics because these figures are in fact a Tribute to 3 very important members of our Challenge Comunity: Iannick with whom I share a love for 80 Pulp figures and who is MIA from our ranks this year.Tamsin without whom everything would surely come undone as she keeps both the minions and Ray in line and then there is Ray himself. Not only am I going to ask him to add my 320 points to the Napoleonics Duel but he's actually responsible fo me being here at all since it's his blog that first alerted me to the Challenge's existence. I followed his blog mainly because of the commody factor of Fran and Ray harrassing each other with some awesome gaming goodies mixed in but the Challenge was the best thing our Oneloverray provided for me.

So there we have it some Napoleonics for the Snow Lord but really a tribute to some awesome Challengers that deserve it perhaps even more ;-) 

Now with these figures comes the final points math:

Arthur has painted 2 Space Marineswhich adds 10 points to his total to make 203 for his grande total.

Having painted 56 foot ( i.e. 280 points)  and 4 mounted figures ( i.e.40points) 320 should make me a nice fat 1387 points to finish the Challenge this year. 

We hope to have shown ourselves worthy of receiving those excellent Dwarf adventurers the Lord of Laarden himself kindly provided.

We will not say goodbye or thank you all so very much yet, that will be spared for the traditional  final "Challenge Wrap Up" post!


Cheers Sander 



  1. Well done Arthur and Sander!!

    1. Cheers Greg, the pleasure was all ours!

  2. Kind words indeed Sander, I'm pleased me and Fran inspired you and in turn Arthur to join in the fun.
    Great figures BTW, both Arthur's and you luvvly Nappies.

  3. Arthur it was a pleasure to have you on board and I've tossed in a few extra points for your excellent work on those Space Marines!

    Sander, that's quite an excellent finish to your challenge as well. A fitting tribute if I may say so. I'll toss in a few extra points for your flags as well.

    See you both next year I hope.

    1. Thanks for minioning mate! We will be back for sure!

  4. Well done to both of you. Rays responsible for a lot of things, and most of them aren’t nearly as bad as Tamsin says.

    1. Here here! Don't mention Minions deleting posts........

    2. Your secret is safe with us, Ray. )

    3. Well thanks Peter and yes they are... Wait till you serve a tour of duty with Ray...

  5. Fabulous work you two! Arthur, bravo, your Space Marines look the business AND 4 colours no less!:)

    Beautiful work on the Napoleonics, Sander (that command stand is magnificent), and even better tribute to some of our own Challenge Grognards. Bravo to you both!

  6. Well done Arthur & Sander! I like your basing!

    1. Thank you Barks, they were based for the dry Peninsula. I tried to keep it simple.

  7. Great finish to the Challenge! Cheers Jez

  8. Well done. Very nice work and a great way to finish the Challenge.

  9. Lovely sentiments in your post,great space marines and Napoleonics, love the command stand!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was great to be part of the Challenge again!
