Friday 19 March 2021

From JohnS - Still in the Peninsula with the Spaniards - 85pts

Why is it that I don't achieve my painting goals? Maybe there is a reason I am known as Slowpainter.

Far from being the Squirrel I normally am in the Challenge (Zero Squirrel points so far!) I have tried to complete a portion of a single army, Napoleonic Spanish. To that end I present the next four stands.

Three more Militia stands, a Militia Officer and one lonely Fusilier stand. I painted 3 of the Fusiliers about 2 months ago and due to a complete failure in basic counting skills, didn't have enough for a stand. This has now been rectified.

The Militia are for what I refer to as my "Side Plume Regiment", only because the previous Militia regiment I painted had the plume at the front of the top hat. They will become part of the Provincial de Burgos battalion for my Talavera project.

These chaps may all get another round of "magic goop" shading but as it has been raining for weeks here in my part of Sydney (I live in the officially wettest suburb of Sydney, near a river and a big bay) I didn't want to chance them not drying before the clock stops.

Although I have not achieved anywhere near my plans this Challenge (NEVER renovate during Painting Challenge time should be a rule) I am happy that I have a solid start to my Spaniards.

All going well I may sneak in a bit of a Squirrel before Brushes Down. Toodle Pip!

17 x 28mm Infantry = 85 points


  1. Very well done John! The brown uniform came out superb even without another go of your magic goop (forgive me for reading poop the first time round).

  2. Nice work. I like the militia in brown and round hats.

  3. I really like Napoleonic Spanish troops, there is such variety and you've done a lovely job on these chaps!
    Best Iain

  4. Really nice work on these. Well done.
