Friday 19 March 2021

From Dallas: Hobgoblin Chieftain, King of the Dead, Death Worm (20 points)

Having completed the Chambers of Challenge and offered tribute at the Altar of the Snowlord, all that remains is to post the last few models completed before the end of the Challenge. First up is this Hobgoblin Chieftain on Dire Wolf, from Games Workshop's old Warhammer Fantasy Battles range.

The first army I ever painted for WHFB was a classic "big hat" Chaos Dwarf force, which still maintains pride of place in my cabinets. An important part of the army was a large contingent of Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, which engaged in some "creative reimagining" of battle reports we posted on our blog.

In sniffing around for something to paint at the last minute, I noticed that I had this model that had been waiting for paint for nigh-on 15 years or more. So I got at it!

Makes me want to get the Chaos Dwarfs out again for some old-school WHFB! Barks - take note - I counted 15 SKULLS on this model alone! Must be some kinda record...?

Next up is the King of the Dead to accompany my recently-painted Warriors of the Dead. The King is a metal model which arrived yesterday from an eBay transaction. It was new in the blister, having originally accompanied an issue of the Eaglemoss "LotR" collector's magazine.

As before - simplicity itself to paint. White spray and Biel-Tan Green wash. That's it!

Lastly, another postal arrival from yesterday - a very cool "Death Worm" from Otherworld Miniatures (currently on sale at their site for 4 quid!!)

This monster is a sorcerous construct and not, strictly speaking, undead - at least according to its entry in the Fiend Folio under "Necrophidius". Conscript Brian H. instantly recognized it when I showed it off on our Zoom call last night and directed me to the FF entry. Good knowledge Brian! 

It was obviously another super-easy model to paint and brings the total skull-count for this post to 16 SKULLS. WOW!

So barring a super-human effort to paint a Chaos Dwarf Sorceror on Lamasu, that's probably it for my Challenge entries this year. And as I've got a haircut, doctor's appointment, and icetime booked to play hockey today, it seems unlikely much more Challenge painting is in the cards. But it was fun! 

Stay safe everyone and we'll see you at the after-party!


  1. A nice end to your quest into the Chambers of Challenge Dallas! Very nicely done. Really taken with that Oldskool Goblin Chieftain.

  2. Gosh, wouldn't an after party be awesome!

    Brilliant work Dal. You showed me these minis last night in our Zoom paint & chat, but proper lighting really reveals how terrific they are. Well done, man. And 16 skulls, wow!

  3. A magnificent collection of skullz!

  4. Splendid hobgoblin and friends!
    Best Iain

  5. Great minis and nicely painted. Good stuff
