Friday 19 March 2021

From JasperO: the Hatchery (35 points)

I'd switched back to the 18th century for the Larder, but the Hatchery requires going back in time quite a bit more. This one required a bit of thought again, until Christy suggested the obvious answer. To the editor of Ancient Warfare (apologies for the shameless plug), one bird is supreme, of course: the eagle. In other words, an aquilifer had to be the subject of this blog. Unfortunately, those are all in silver or gold (yes, we had an article about a possible live eagle carried by II Parthica in the early 3rd century AD, but I don't have an appropriate figure), but I hope that's forgivable. And besides, these Foundry Caesarian Romans are just a joy to paint.

Three figures plus the Hatchery bonus should get me 35 points closer to my goal.


  1. Very nice looking Romans there Jasper!

  2. Clever idea Jasper! Looks brilliant.

  3. Fantastic Romans and a magnificent avian for the challenge.

  4. Well, yes your take is very much forgivable Jasper! Very nice work on our Romans.I really like the bright white of their tunics.

  5. That’s a lovely command stand.

  6. Smart looking bird and splendid looking Romans!
    Best Iain

  7. Very nice work on these. A wonderful command stand that would grace any table.
