Friday 19 March 2021

From: AngusW - 28mm Odds and Sods - 15pts

These are the last things I've got for the AHPC this year, they the leftovers. I had intended to leave level 2 of the Chambers of Challenge via the 'Navigators Landing', as result I painted these in January with the regular sailors I posted weeks ago. Due to a change of plan, I went from the Shine to the Oubliette so these chaps never got posted. They are from Copplestone Miniatures.

The other chap is the last figure from a pack of Foundry's Camp Followers. Everyone else from that pack managed to fulfil a room on the challenge leaving this chap.

Thats all from me for this year. Thanks for the support from everyone.

28mm chaps x3 (15pts)