Friday 21 January 2022

From JonathanO - Journey to Skaro to escape "The Cut" - 100 points


Sarah's Star Yacht:

I was enjoying life in my luxury suite aboard Sarah's Star Yacht, listening to music and slowly painting some of my miniatures.  

"I wonder what is delaying the delivery of my in-suite dinner?" I thought.

Just then the door slid open and a young lady entered.  She was not wearing the normal crew uniform, but a bright red outfit.  She had a serious look on her face.

"It is time!" she said.

"Time for what?  Where is my evening meal?"

"No time for that, you have to go to Skaro and submit your first report.

"But - Skaro?  The planet of the Da....."

"Yes, that or face "The Cut"", she interrupted.  Commander Campbell's orders"

Worried, I replied "I thought I could just slowly paint all my old school miniatures as I listen to my old records and submit everything in a last minute rush?"  I looked at the old vinyl record I was about to play - specially selected for listening during Challenge XII cruise. It seemed like it might have to wait. "What does "The Cut", involve?" I asked nervously.

She smiled.  "I'd be happy to show you".  She drew a large sword from behind her back and expertly swooshed it around the room.

"Careful! I don't want to have to pay for damages"

"That will be the least of your worries"

"Okay, I'll go to Skaro and submit a report" I said, thinking that at least I had a slightly better chance of survival if I did.  "This is not quite the luxury cruise I thought I was on"

"It is a Challenge, you should have read the fine print in your contract.  I'll escort you via shuttle to Skaro."  She took a disappointed look at her sword and returned it to the case behind her back.  "Another member of my team will bring you back once you have submitted your report. Let's go!"


"Davros has survived through the millennia and appears to have regained control of at least some Daleks.  I count 5 Daleks who are currently listening to his directions.  You need to alert The Doctor before Davros and the Daleks create more havoc across the universe"  I hit SEND on my tablet to transmit my report.  I then sent a signal for the shuttle to take me back to Sarah's Star Yacht.

As I moved from my hiding place to head to the rendezvous point, I realised that I had been spotted.

"Stop him!  The Doctor must not find out that I have returned!" yelled Davros.

"Exterminate!  Exterminate!"  responded the Daleks in unison.

Sarah's Star Yacht:

 That was a close one, but I had avoided "The Cut" and Extermination. 

I was escorted back to my suite by another member of "the team". "Next we are heading to Vulcan on the far side of the Outer Ring, so you will have plenty of time to be ready to submit your next report.  We'll be making a logistics stop there" 

"Sounds logical" I said with a smile. 

No response.

"Wait... next report?"

"Yes, it is due on Tuesday".  It was the first "team member" who had joined us.  "Tamsin is counting on you to make a contribution to the Team Tuesday points total, and don't forget your Challenge target is 1000.  You need to pick up the pace!"

"There seem to be a lot of rules, are you two here to make sure Challengers abide by them?" I asked.

"Yes, we ensure compliance with Challenge Cult Rules" said the second "team member".

"Challenge Community Guidelines", her team mate corrected her.

"I had better get back to the brushes then" I replied.  "Any chance of dinner?".

They looked at each other, then turned to leave "See you on Tuesday" said the second team member as the door slid open.

"All this travelling through time and space and submitting reports is going to be harder than the cruise I was expecting" I thought. "Why are they being so hard on me?  It is not like I ate any of the orange crayons or tried to claim bonus points for painting a female Dalek."  I turned on the digital music system and looked for something new to listen to while I painted my miniatures.

"Oh! The latest episode of the Canadian Wargamer Podcast, Episode #23,352 is available - that will be perfect!"


Phew!  I am still in the Challenge - just! Still waiting for dinner though!

For points:

5 Daleks and Davros 28mm from Warlord  = 30

2 Daughters of SHIVA 28mm from Crooked Dice = 10

Locations:  Skaro and two trips on Sarah's Star Yacht = 60

Total:  100 points.

Next stop Vulcan

See you on Tuesday!

From DaveD

Ooh and under the wire alright and dodging the sharp blade of the Cutter , Tamsin will be pleased. 

You are off and running at 100 points 


  1. Welcome aboard our cosy little Spacecraft! Very nice entry and a fun read to boot

  2. Woohoo! Another of my Tuesday Terrors avoids The Great Cull! :)

    Nice ladies and Daleks, Jonathan! :)

  3. Lovely collection of varied figures, just under the wire,well done!
    Best Iain

  4. The daleks look great, welcome aboard!

  5. Very entertaining post! Cheers to Team Tuesday!

  6. I like the narrative and like the brushwork. Good to have you on board Jonathan!

  7. Nice! Always makes me happy to see some Daleks!

    Well done Jonathan

  8. Hello Jonathan:
    Sorry your cruise isn’t all you expected! Glad you weren’t exterminated by those dastardly death-dealing Daleks, just find some rough ground where they can’t pursue you on their wee castors. Glad to have you as part of Tamsin’s Tuesday Tigers.
    Cheers, Mikeap. PS you have excellent taste in podcasts! 😉
