Friday 21 January 2022

From MartijnN: Friends, Romans, Civilians (Solaris, Sarah's Star Yacht; 70 points)

 After our first landing on Vulcan we hop on to Solaris, the planet of deception and illusion. Small surprise, then, that the first person we meet there is Roman politician, senator and consular candidate Fluffius Aerius Baggus (of course, his name is actually Phluphius, but he has vulgarized its spelling to appeal more to his lower-class supporters). 

Here we see him reading a long list of promises to his followers, enumerating all the wonderful and glorious things he will achieve for them. Which list will probably prove to have been illusory quite soon, should he be elected. Even though he preaches moderation, his portly figure tells us that he has been enjoying too many of the good things in life for too long!

 As you can see, his rival candidate, Tellus Morus Storius, is arguing vehemently against him.

They have managed to draw the attention of a few passers-by. Herus Coinus Asbribus, a wealthy merchant from the City, is trying to insure Baggus that keeps to his commerce-friendly policies in the time-honoured way by offering him a little something on the side "to help him with his election campaign". 

Candidus, by the look of him, doesn't believe a word of it all. His wife, Faustina, is looking at the scene in obvious disbelief. 

Meanwhile Servus, in his own stoic manner, has decided that whichever candidate will be elected, it is not likely to have any measurable effect on his miserable life whatsoever, so that it is probably best to simply keep on doing what he has been doing all his life: carrying sacks.

These are all 3D printed figures sculpted by Iain Lovecraft. He produces a ton of brilliant figures and terrain. These are part of his Roman series and they are 32mm tall ("heroic scale"). I painted them mostly using contrast paints. The "lower class" figures received a wash of Army Painter Light tone. I found the contrast flesh tone, Gulliman Flesh, a little spotty, so I touched it up/ highlighted it in Cadian Flesh. The bases were also 3D printed and are from the Asgard Rising range.

Faustina, the second female figure I have ever painted besides the one in Challenge XI,  has reportedly booked me a seat on Sarah's Star Yacht, so that we can leave this desolate planet behind as soon as possible, to continue our journey to Skaro.


- 6x 28mm foot @ 5 = 30 pts

- Solaris planet bonus @ 20 pts

- And a trip on Sarah's Star Yacht to Skaro @ 20 pts

For a total of 70 points. And a squirrel!

From DaveD 

Thats a good selection of "civvies" even if they do make dubious promises. Its a range that certainly looks like it merits a check out .That tops you up nicely .


  1. Such an entertaining post! Thank you for the chuckle! (I also enjoyed your painting skills!)

  2. I'm confident that Fluffius Aerius Baggus will Make Rome Great Again! Excellent post Martijn.

  3. Tellus Morus it!

  4. Great citizens of Rome, Martijn! :)

  5. Lovely looking citizens and a nice snake oil seller!
    Best Iain

  6. Great work on these fine upstanding citizens of Rome Martijn. You had me chuckling with your names too.

  7. Lovely models and the painting job too. I need some civilians for my Infamy! games, should take a look at this

  8. Excellent painting on some lovely figures. Fluffius Aerius Baggus! You made my day!

  9. Haha! Brilliant entry Martijn. I've done a few Lovecraft models and find he does a very nice job.

  10. Vwry nice narrative for these lovely minis. You make me want them too!

  11. "Infamy, Infamy!" Sorry- I had to get that one in.

    Very well done!

  12. Hello Martian:
    Your clever names complement your fine painting and storytelling. Thank you for introducing me to Iain Lovecraft’s work, his offerings are vast and tempting.
    Cheers, MikeP
