Sunday 20 March 2022

From TamsinP: Oscar's Dredd of Robots (38 points)

The Adventures of Oscar: Time Traveler, Slayer of Squirrels and Very, Very Good Boy

Chapter 12

In which our hero hunts for food in a future city...

Well, it is a future city, but where are all the people? It's awfully quiet. *sniff* Hmmm! Food! I smell food! Over this way I think!

Yes! A hot food shop! And nobody around to stop me helping myself! I can have eats! As much as I want! And I'm soooo hungry that will be a lot of eats!

Hold on! There seems to be a disturbance over there - let's take a look.

Yoiks! Big scary robots about to fight!

Row-roo! I'm a getting out of here! Far too dangerous for me!

Roo! Away from the fight! Better hit the green button again...

Silliness over!

I'm only including the robots in this post. 






These are all from Warlord Games "Mega City Robots" pack. the DemoBot (if not leaning over) would be just over 60mm tall, so I'll claim it as a 54mm figure; the WarBot and UtilBot are about 45mm tall and the SecBot and MedBot are 35mm tall, so I'll claim those four as 40mm figures.

The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted another bot in the story, but that will be appearing in my next post.

I'm still waiting for Warlord to do a pack with Walter the Wobot, that much loved/hated droid with a speech impediment.

For Scoring

1 x 54mm foot @ 10 = 10 points

4 x 40mm foot @ 7 = 28 points

Total = 38 points


Oh man, things are hotting up for poor Oscar! 

Wonderful work on these Mega City Robots, Tamsin. Such great character! Though the DemoBot is ferocious, I have to say my favourite is the UtilBot (love the zamboni sweepers at the front of its wheels). 

Next chapter please. :)

- Curt


  1. Love these. Not sure how that demo boy isn't falling over though?

    1. Thanks! It's "Warlord Resin" (ie, SioCast) so is very light. At some point I might switch him to a larger base. :)

  2. Great work Tamsin. Love the setting and the yellow on the utility bot.

    1. Cheers! I had to go back and give the UtilBot a stronger white base to get the yellow to "pop". :)

  3. Absolutely terrific! Your figures are awesome, but the scene set up is incredible. Your backgrounds and all the little details make such a difference.

    1. Thanks! It took a good hour or so to set up that scene, not helped by the space available on my paint table - making it not look overly cramped was a task in itself! :)

  4. I really like that Utilitybot. I was sniffing around for some robots for 5 Parsecs From Home and somehow missed these from Warlord.

  5. Cool, wish there was one with a dinghy though - then you'd have had a rowbot :-)

    1. Cheers! That pun is dreadful - I like it! :)

  6. Everybody needs a good Bot right? Well you certainly have a lot of very well painted ones great stuff!

  7. @ Curt - the big question is, will he ever find food? The UtilBot is my favourite as well - it looks like it's grinning as it consumes whatever is going into its maw! :)

  8. Warbot is my favourite, looking forward to see how the story goes.

  9. That's a great batch of bots!
