Friday, 23 January 2015

From Richard M - 28mm Landschnechts, Italian Infantry and Command (225 Points)

You will have to excuse the poor quality of the photos - I will post better ones in a few days once I return to Sydney.  These have been taken on the iPad sitting in a hotel room in Canberra as I pack up to go to the first morning og Cancon where these new figures will make their debut.  (Postcript - not only is taking photos not so good - but posting to Blogger from an iPad is an exercise in patience).

In addition to my last post, these are fruits of my labour over the past three weeks as I added to the existing Italian troop types so I could field a Papal army in the Impetus system.

So first up are the kings of the field in those days - two pike of Landschnecht pikes.  The figures are Foundry and the pikes are - well sharp.  I have the painting list sitting beside me (on the back of the army list as it was handy at the time)- it shows a combination of 16 colours in deep, mid and highlight for their fabric alone - plus all the rest.

Next up is a unit of Italan infantry - these ones are Old Glory figures and look suitably determined.

Finally a few shots of the two units of command.  The guy with the big round red headress is Perry and the other three from the Perry Knights range.

Finally flags on all of these are from Pete's Flags who you can find on the ...bay.

So this is 34 foot and 4 mounted - so I think the total is 220. 

From Curt:

Oh wow, these lads turned out fabulous Richard! That Landschnecht pike block looks fantastic with its serried ranks of pikes, puff and slash uniforms and bravely fluttering banners. Epic stuff!

The command stands are brilliant as well - I love the guy with the feathered pizza on his head. He MUST be a high-ranking officer with that lid!

I hope you have a great time in Cancon! Let us know how it all worked out.


  1. great job with color, bases and general overall view is excellent.

  2. Superb work Richard. The landschnechts look suitably colourful :)

  3. Very colorful and well executed! The flags make them pop really well, hopefully your opponent will be bedazzled by your pike great looks and forget something important! ;)

  4. One of the joys of the challenge is the diversity. While I would not paint these I can still admire them. Very nice Landschnechts.

  5. Very bold looking bunch. Your work with all the colors paid off. I like the flags but particularly like how they are held at different angles in the pike block.

  6. Great stuff Richard! I've been tempted this way myself. I love the Italian command stands (I have Perry plastics on the way destined to become Italians).
    Cheers PD

  7. What a great submission, these look the real deal


  8. These are just stunning! I'm always impressed when someone really has the patience to do Landsknechts.

  9. Great job Richard! Very nice and colourful unit! Gotta love the Landknechts for that :)

  10. Oh I'd love to se some better photos - these look immense! Not sure I could face painting all the slashes and puffs myself.

  11. Very nice.. Lots of great colour..great job.

  12. Absolutely amazing work. Hands down, the best post of the day.

  13. Curses, I was at CANCON yesterday! If only you had posted these a day earlier I could have seen them with my own two eyes. Well done Richard, these are absolutely gorgeous and kudos to you for doing puffed and slashed clothing.

  14. They are really nice. Fantastic!!!

  15. Fantastic figures, it's so easy to make Landschnechts look like a troupe of harlequins but these look brilliant. Great entry, hope you enjoyed Cancon.

  16. Thanks everyone for the very kind comments.

    Well in their debut, they managed to engage the enemy twice in 4 games. In one occasion they did very well and won their key melee - in the other they acted very un-Landschnect like and seemed to be in a 'love-in with their oponents as they had three rounds of melee and neither side caused any casualties. The game ended their as other units of my army had done the hard lifting and broke another major part of my oponents army. Three wins out of four games - but atually the whole idea of our small group was to enjoy the games rather than 'fight' in the sense sometimes seen at conventions. We are all middle aged gamers who do it for the enjoyment rather then the points

  17. "Epic" is definitely the word that springs to mind here. Fantastic use of color!

  18. This is SO cool!! Very well done!!
