Lathered in sweat and grime, Paul and a group of beastmen slowly push a herdstone, end over end, to the peak's flat summit.
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This week's Snow Lord's Peak brought to you from Mount Columbia, Alberta. |
The Snow Lord, leaning against a tree while smoking a pipe, follows their efforts bemusedly. 'Guys... Guys! What are you doing?'
Paul halts his efforts and wipes his brow, 'We met Noel on our way up and he mentioned that you needed some landscaping done up here. That Martin chap is a wonderful guy, but can be a bit of a menace with a pick and shovel, eh? Anyway, me and the lads thought you might like a Herdstone. Maybe you could use it as part of a water feature or something.'
The Snow Lord points at the huge festooned boulder with his pipe's stem, 'What about all those skulls on it? I'm not sure if Lady Sarah's going to be too wild about that.'
'Tell her they're from the White House.'
'Perfect. Put it by the pond, mate.'
After their labours, the group reconvenes for a well earned beverage... or ten.
The Snow Lord smacks the foam from his lips and calls out above the snorts and bleating of the Beastmen, 'Now, I guess you'll be wanting your treasure, eh?'
Paul nods and says, 'I hear you'll require a boon for it. Bring it on mate, we're game.'
'Okay, since you've done me a good turn, I'll give you your choice amongst three tasks:
1) A new unit for your growing Beastman army;
2) A unit for your 'Mortal Gods' collection;
3) or, something new for your Kill Team shenanigans with your lad Reilly.'Wavering slightly, Paul looks straight into the blue monstrosity's eyes and slurs, 'I'll tell you what mate, I'm so up for this that I'm going to do all three of them. Howz that!'
Impressed, the Snow Lords raises his glass, 'You're on my good fellow. To sweeten the deal I'll also give you an extra point for each skull you can cram into your submission.'
They all clack their drinking horns and glasses in raucous agreement.
Wow, three tasks, Paul! We all very much look forward to seeing what you come up with. Have fun with them!
Wow, three tasks, Paul! We all very much look forward to seeing what you come up with. Have fun with them!