Thursday, 18 January 2024

TomL: Cowabunga! Children's books (65pts)



No, it’s not Chief Thunderthud from Howdy Doody but the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles led by their news reporter friend, April. 

All these figures are from the often-risqué, frequently NSFW, Brother Vinnie Miniatures. These were an impulse buy years ago when I was picking up some SAGA Vikings I had seen painted on LAF.  This fairly normal version of April will lead us via Sarah’s library cart to the kid’s section where her turtle buddies can peruse the books and eat the snacks Michelangelo snuck in when Leonardo wasn’t watching. 

The turtles are very nice dynamic resin sculpts but assembly was slightly stressful for my clumsy fingers. The delicate bandanas were particularly frustrating, and did I mention a bit delicate? Painted with contrast paints and foundry acrylics,  I attempted to follow the toy’s color scheme which differentiated each turtles skin color as well as bandanas.  

I read on the internet (obviously it must be true) this was to make it more obvious to the parents buying the toys which turtle was which and the cartoon used only one color as it was cheaper. Any excuse to use more colors works for me.


Points for this entry would be:

5 28mm figures:    25 points.

Sara's library cart:    20 points.

Children's Books:    20 points.

From Millsy: What a wonderful way to paint Ninja Turtles Tom! The way you have pushed the various skin tones to the max to make each one more distinct is brilliant and the contrasting head bands and other kit only highlights that more due to the vibrancy of your brushwork. Love em!


From Barks: Bony bits (25 points)

 Some quick bits with plenty of skullz. First, some Bone Horrors from Descent with 30 skullz.

Next is a purchase I specifically picked up for the Skull Duel many months ago when I saw it on special. It is some sort of Age of Sigmar scenery, but I will use it for post-apocalyptic desert terrain. The details are exquisite- the suture lines in the skull and the internal structure of the broken bones are pleasingly accurate.

Halo Jones for scale

The jaw can be opened...

... or closed.

Three separate parts.

Quite tall, and the base is festooned with skullz.

I spent more time trying to get the base to match my mat than I did painting the skeletal remains. There are 17 skullz including the big one.

3 x 28mm Bone Horrors (15 points)
Skeletal scenery (~ ½ terrain cube) (10 points)

Skull Duel +47 (total 128)

From Millsy: Some great bones here Barks! The Bone Horrors from Descent are skullariffic but I think my favourite is the dinosaur(?) skeleton. It reminds me of the weird tunnel-like bit in Pitch Black, still one of my favourite sci-fi flicks. 25 points for you mate!

From Kerry T - More plastics - Norman Light Cavalry (120 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all.

I started last week's post by highlighting how warm it was here as its summer....

And with summer good things come about

Our first pick of Blueberries this year

I've never had any intention of crushing them with a pestle and mortar and adding the liquid to a bottle of Vallejo blue to make a true French Napoleonic uniform blue, I've been adding them to my cereal in the mornings, I love it when the garden fruit come into season.

Its been a busy week at work and instead of playing golf and painting yesterday on my day off I got swamped by a mountain of paperwork instead. Again my usual plan to display a hoard of figures has come unstuck and the PVA is only just drying on these bases. I'm hoping to get a chance tomorrow night to relax with a glass or two of wine and spend some quality time enjoying viewing what's been posted in the last 3 days. My apologies for not passing comments but I will get there

More cavalry again from me I'm afraid - Victrix Light Norman cavalry intended for use as generic forces for the Reconquista in Spain. At least it made the basing quicker

Shields from LBMS

There are some nice head variations in this box allowing a wide range of options

Don't look too closely I've just realised I've forgotten to paint the horses' eyes!

I just didn't have the time or energy to dot them in tonight - like these above I've hit the wall!

I really have enjoyed painting these Victrix plastics, I'll have more Normans painted up as Andalusians next week, the variations on the frames allow you to field them for several regions. They're great value

In summary 

12 Mounted figures at 12points = 120

No time to finish anything for bonus points this week but I did have some female figures arrive in the post today.

Best wishes and thanks for looking

From Millsy: That's a great looking crop of blueberries mate but they are nothing compared to your latest cavalry addition! Such a wonderfully painted crew and based to match. The blues in particular are really eye catching and will surely make these fine fellows pop on the table. Looking forward to the Andalusians now you have teased them... 120 points added to your total!

From BartekR: WAAARGH Orks: The Goff, The Bad (Moon) and the Ugly (Overduez and Returnz) (35 pointz)

Despite best intentions, another close-to-deadline danger zone first entry. (Hey AHPC XV! looking at you, third times the charm!). Just a lot of busy going around (mostly work), but its great to be back for another year.

With my main intended project for this challenge nowhere near undercoated, what was i to do? The answer - digging into my very own overdue and returns box - holding those figures that never quite make it up the paint queue but havent gotten around to getting rid of. 

Thus I bring you three (space) Orks from Warhammer 40K: The Goff, The Bad (Moon) and the Ugly (Blood Axe).  Obviously all three are the same miniature, taken from 40K's 5th edition (?) starter box. Since i never owned that, I assume they belonged to my brother or came in a lot sale. And they have been gathering dust for a few good months having been used as experimental dollies for 'slapchop' undercoating, with the intention of testing Speedpaints/Contrast etc on them (yet more overdue).

A Goff, Blood Axe and Bad Moon walk into a bar...

Since they're all same figure (aside from my having cut off the topknot on one for a bit of variety), the question was how to paint them - all three as the same scheme (which would have been kinda boring but faster) or something more creative. Inspiration hit when flipping through one of the trilogy of GW 1st ed 40K Ork sourcebooks, 1990s WAAARGH Orks (this was in the days of 40K lore when greenskins ate but were not, I'm pretty sure, fungus)

 Authored by Nigel Stillman and Bryan Ansell, WAAARGH is a pure fluff sourcebook - no rules, no army lists, no stats (these were covered in 'Ere We Go: Orks in Warhammer 40,000 - a game sourcebook - and Freebooterz, which contained army lists). Aside from explaining every bot of Ork society and culture, it also contains some fantastic artwork for different Ork clans, because Orks have clanz, and castes. So, lets introduce these fun guyz...fungis...boyz, with some self-commentary on the painting. 

The Goff

I've named him Carl McCoy. The most militaristic of the orks, they favour black clothes (the name gives it away?), with red and black/white chequered decoration ubiquitous to GW orks. They also bring in German military and biker vibes (they have a unit called the Stormboyz, and wear coalscuttle helmets), not evident on this fig.

I couldn't not try it and turned out quite well, if i say so myself, for a impetuous attempt at freehand (and after a couple of glasses of adult beverage to boot). After using an Artline 0.3 pen to draw the lines, filled in the black then white, and didn't fuss too much about precision given these guys wouldn't be OCD about getting things between the lines. Equally happy with how the pitted and worn red on the body armour plates turned out - inspired more in my mind's eye by Firefly Reaver ships than anything 40K.

The Bad Moon...rising

The Bad Moon clan are rich, mercantile traders (I guess in a particular Ork way), and wear lots of yellow. 

Yellow is a colour i have been hit and miss with - seemed to work out this time: Citadel 'FlashGitz' yellow base, light wash of Citadel earthshade followed by Citadel's yellow wash, then army painter Moon Dust (a pale yellow) for highlights. Armour given a bit of a earthshade wash to give it a yellowish tone. The red face paint/tattoo is straight from one of pics in WAAARGH (though I'd been loking at this guy and wondering what was missing, when i realised I'd painted it on the Goff instead - quick redo was in order). Lastly, the striped pants - a tribute to David Lee Roth and Iron Maiden's lycra years.

The Blood Axe

In this lore the Blood Axes were almost wiped out in the internecine and genocidal 'Da Big Party', and - being weakened - were willing to receive covert indirect support from the Imperium. Result - human military style influence - they wear combat helmets, fatigues and forage caps. Thus the cam outfit - it came out alright but a bit disappointed as had a decent tigerstripe going before hitting it with a Citadel shade which washed it out in green tones. Just not as black/white tigerstripey as before - gotta love a good tiger stripe cam.


Paints used: A mix, as usual. Citadel Contrast and layer paints, Citadel Shades, Army Painter Warpaints and Speedpaint 2, Vallejo Metal color airbrush colours which are amazing, but need a lot of control when applied by brush because they flow like crazy.    

A postscript: AOver three decades ago, in the days of 40K 1st ed (Rogue Trader!), I was an Imperial Guard player: structured hierarchy, shiny helmets, lasgun pennants, flak armour or breastplates...they used s's, had Commissars (and Commisar Training Squads...and the more sketchy 'human bombs') in their orbat. Pure antithesis to Orks, so I definitely never got into the whole "Orky" thing. Thirty years on I am starting to see the appeal, of the minis at chaos in plastic. 


3x 28mm @5pts each = 15 pts

'Overdue and returns' library bonus = 20 pts

Total = 35 pts (and only 965 to go to target!)

From Millsy: Welcome back Bartek! Great to see you make the cut in 2024 and with a wonderful trio of greenskins to start. I don't typically like remakes of my favourite films but I would pay to see this one.

Speaking of green skin, I love what you've done with the flesh tones on these chaps, lots of depth without being too bright. That leaves room for some bright clothing and other adornments to really make these orky boys pop.

From Paul O'G and Reilly OG - Beastie Boys! (25+25 points)

The Old World returns shortly so we are clearing out the unfinished vestiges of my Beastman Army - it just wouldn't feel like AHPC without me doing some Beastmen! Just 19 models remain from >200 I started with a few years ago. These are the last 2 characters which we have painted together in the Dark Forest, under the pale moon while mumbling hateful chants...

Paul's offering to the sacred heardstone is this Beastlord with Great Axe. He is known for his compassionate spirit, high emotional intelligence and tending his rose garden with ample bone and blood offerings. He's an older model cast in metal, and boy does it have good heft!

To accompany this gentle yet frenzied monstrosity, Reilly has delivered unto me a fearsome Wargor with Battle Standard. He promised to do this 3 years ago, but all good things to those who wait patiently, in ambush, biding their time.... - and this was clearly worth waiting for!

The hand painted Chaos symbol and sigils shows he really cares and takes pride in his Banner bearer role. 

An amusing painting moment was Reilly posing the question"So the Elf head atop the Banner - do you want it to be High Elf, Wood Elf or Dark Elf? You've defeated all 3 in Battle". Cleary the Dark Gods must be rewarding me for my efforts! (You Elf Commanders know who you are...)

The lovely banner is made from the flayed skins of defeated enemies, available via Amazon

Points wise:

Paul claims 5 points plus the Fantasy section bonus, and 3 Skullz

Reilly claims 5 points, 6 skullz (sadly another is insufficiently flensed), plus the highly appropriate Overdues section bonus :-), which gets him onto the AHPC XIV tallyboard and off the "Merciless Snowlord's Slaughter List" (as we laughingly call it) just in time!

From Millsy: The rarely seen father/son post rears it's head! Just like always Dad is pulling the lad's chestnuts out of the fire. Seriously, it's like us Dads are responsible or something....

Great work from the pair of you! Just the right amount of gruesomeness to match the ferocity of these beasties. Or should that be gore on there gors? 25 challenge shekels apiece and Reilly dodges the cut for another year.

Friday Crew ON FIRE!

Whoosh! Another week has flown by and it's Friday again.

No time to list all the amazing work of the Friday crew individually I'm afraid with real work piled up but I can promise you this... you will NOT be disappointed.



From TomS: some 28mm Korean Handgunners [new Acquisition] (50 points)

 Hi again!

In a change from last weeks flamboyant Marder, I am back to painting some more "normal" models. This week I am presenting 6 Korean hand-gunners, from Perry Miniatures for Lion Rampant. 

My local wargaming club for the last two years has run a Lion Rampant competition around Christmas and, after winning the first and coming second this year, I though I would finally build up an army or two for the next game. Now, if my Marder didn't clue people in, I'm not exactly drawn to "conventional armies" being somewhat infamous among my group for always bringing something wacky like the Regiment Etrangers to Napoleonic games or some Khmer to an ancient/dark ages game. So whilst Lion Rampant is a rules set for Europe, the middle east and north Africa the units are all relatively the same between each army with no factional differences, therefore naturally I started building a Korean and Japanese force for the Mongol Invasions of Tsushima in 1274! 

                   Some brightly coloured Dujeong-gaps? (I am no armour expert)

With the first invasion being in November I thought I would try something new with an autumnal/early winter basing theme with dead leaves and snow!


PS. the basing material only arrived this morning, so a bit of a rush to get them in on time whilst working with new materials, so hopefully they look okay!

So points claimed:

6x28mm Infantry - 30pts 

New Acquisitions  - 20pts
Total - 50pts

TeemuL: Thinking outside of box is a good talent and I have used that from time to time and caused people to shake their heads... Very nice Koreans, those colourful armours are good looking and joy to paint. 50 points to your tally!