After a successful burst of hobby productivity, I bring you my second entry of the day, with this ancient priest, mid sacrifice, trying to please the gods and enjoy some tasty mutton after the ceremony. The miniature was a freebie given away with the release of the SPQR skirmish game from Warlord Games, and was very nearly the entry prize this year, but he fitted the Shrine setting too well not too silly his services there.
I wanted to distinguish between the warm yellows and reds used in the knife, tunic/toga and his skin, from that of the sacrificial sheep, but it was harder than I thought. My initial fear was the the white wool would completely blow out the colour composition of the model, leaving a desaturated and washed out effect. However that wasn't the case, simply by changing up the texture and going for a more muted brown/off-white tone.
I attempted to add this texture to the sheep but selectively adding rough patches of highlights, then highlighting again with another semi random attack pattern. ,I ed with this were the dark horns and hooves and the sheep no longer detracted from the priest, and instead helped the model "pop" as some might say.
Although the model is made of an odd soft resin plastic, which made clean up harder, the overall finish was fun to create, and allowed me to practice yet more on my journey on perfecting painting yellow. Long way to go yet but I'm happy with this one.
Points -
28mm Infantry = 5pts
Challenge Bonus = 20pts
Total = 25pts