So that should be:
Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
From ScottM: F&IW British Militia (60 points)
So that should be:
From Millsy: Chambers of Challenge Level 3 (230 points)
Hi All,
It's fair to say I don't much enjoy taking photos so I often end up doing "check out this whole X in one go" type posts. Ofttimes this has amused and occasionally bemused our frosty overlord and I guess this is potentially another of those times. Here we have my entire collection of kit for the Chambers of Challenge Level 3.
Graveyard Beach (120 points)
I think I may have misread this one. Apparently it's the GraveYARD Beach but to me it's definitely the GraveGUARD Beach. These guys are an upgrade for the "Barrow Guardians" from my Warhammer Fantasy Battle army based on the White Dwarf articles depicting Heinrich Kemmler's Army of the Cairns. I wasn't able to get the minis I wanted at a decent price at the time so I went with a home baked version of Empire soldiers and skull bits. It was OK I guess and looked like this...
Hall of Heroes (25 points)
This chap arrived as a free miniature along with some half-orcs I purchased recently. He's be ungraded with a clenched fist on his right hand replaced by a sword because, well, it's clearly more heroic right? Scored as a single 28mm miniature plus bonus.
Lair of the Spider (Beast) (60 points)
I didn't have any unpainted arachnids lurking about (apart from the inevitable live ones) so I had to look for something else. These are Red Box Games similar to but legally distinguishable from Games Workshop Lord of the Rings armoured trolls.
A snip at USD$17.95 + postage for EIGHT in four different poses. Painted up I have to admit I would be hard pressed to tell them from the original article and given I didn't have to sell a kidney to buy them I can have a drink to celebrate... Scored as 4 x 54mm miniatures plus bonus.
If you're still paying attention you may have started to join the dots on a bit of a theme now. More of that shortly in another post.
The Snowlord's Treasury (25 points)
For Dr.Q: The Altar of the SnowLord
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Altar of the SnowLord (brought to you by the kids of Kinsmen Park South) |
From Ian S - Odds and Sods (28 points)
So I am now aiming to post every day till Saturday using what figures are left on the painting bench.
First up some more ancient Indians, I keep finding more figures in spares box every I time I look, again these are from the new Z range from Museum Miniatures.
Next the last independent company from the British Canadian army 1812. Figures from Lancashire Games.
So 14 x 15mm figures at 2pts each gives a grand total of 28pts.
For next years challenge I will get some photograph lessons.
A small entry of small figures to end my shift. Nice work Ian - don't worry about the photographs.
From Guy B: [The Armoury] Bruce era Scots and Islesmen [170 points]
Facing the Medieval Norse (from my first entry) are the brave Scots from the time of Robert the Bruce. While designed for the 1300s, they'll do for 1263 well enough... and possibly onto the early part of the Hundred Years War.
From Dallas: Snowlord's Challenge Completed (50 points)
This one was fun to paint for sure, especially as it signifies completion of the Chambers of Challenge. It's satisfying to have three months of painting end off with a win of sorts, and a tally of over 1,000 points in the Challenge. While there may be some more painting to come, I'll be content if this is it for now. I'll just end with a heartfelt thanks to Mr Curt and Minions for all of your tireless efforts in making the Challenge fun for us!
Stay safe everyone!
That modular Reaver looks superb!
I've got absolutely no idea how this should be scored, so I'll go along with the 50 points total that you've suggested.
DaveS - Carefully Constructed (48pts)
More work on the Enlightened for Wild West Exodus. First, we have Kyle The Black, one of the leaders for the faction. His theme Posse is built around fielding lots of smaller constructs as a meat shield, and when he has them nearby he is very hard to kill.
I've tried to get his gloves and apron to look like the orange, slightly rotted rubber that used to make up the tubing or bunsen burners at school. Not sure how close I came, but I like the look anyway.
Nothing says Mad renegade carrying out experiments on people like an extra set of buzzsaw arms.
Following this, we have Unger, one of the larger creations. A gatling gun, a bad attitude, and a commitment to the confederacy.
Finally, 4 Gun dogs, equipped with "Phonic Blaster". 2 of these came in the Thomas Edison box set, and the other two were given away free on the front of a magazine a few years ago. (And were, unsurprisingly, in the easiest to reach box of shame, which also happened to be the last one that I searched through!!!!)
Almost all of the factions can use gun dogs, but only the Enlightened get the phonic blasters. Therefore, I have attached them with magnets, so that I can replace them when I branch out into other factions with access to them (Sadly neither the Order or the Watchers who I have been working on can take them)
So that is 2x54mm models at 10pts each, and 4 Gundogs at 7pts each (I think, the bases are 40mm in width and quite deep, but the models are quick to paint).
That brings me to within touching distance of my 1000pt target (and possibly the first year that I achieve it)
What a gruesome bunch of constructs. Nice work, Dave.
From JamesM: 15mm Cromwells (yes, again!) - 24 points
Hi folks,
With the end date of the challenge rapidly approaching, I had a long hard think to myself about what the challenge really needed. I pondered over what it was lacking, what really wasn't represented enough, and came to the opinion that it was drastically short some 15mm Plastic Soldier Company Cromwells.
I may have reached this epiphany at 3am while young Mr Alexander was doing everything he could to resist sleep. However, in my defence he didn't object when I discussed it with him.
It just so happened that I have also just finished the 3rd troop of Cromwells for my C Squadron, 10 Pulk Strzelcow Konnych (10th Polish Mounted Rifles) project. Handy that.
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Young Alexander chatting to daddy about Cromwell tanks, circa 3am. He has the same expression his mother has when I try to have these conversations with her. |