Thursday, 30 March 2023

DavidB- Finished(?) forces

Although the snow and cold still lingers, Spring has sprung with tulips fighting through the thawing ground, Adepticon was here and is gone, and AHPC has come to a close. It was a pretty good time for me as I now have many new forces to play with when a chance to game comes around. The White Scars above are a prime example.

When combined with the ones painted last year, The White Scars are complete enough to game with although I would still like to add more bikes, assault infantry, and tanks and APCs.

The Iron Snakes were also completed and with the troops added to the ones from last year, they are a very large horde and will be able to properly fight Razor's Blood Angels with no troops being in an unfinished state.

My Chaos forces have a boost with new troops and the Milita is now sufficient to field without marine support. I will probably keep the few Alpha legion marines just for fluff purposes.

My Eldar forces have been painted with a veritable force in and of itself getting painted for the first time. A goliath gang was completed and a new one started. Several Imperial Agents and a titan were completed. The Corsairs and Death Korps have added to both 40k and also increased my number of available Kill Teams to play with.

More 1st Nation, two Mordenheim bands, a silver bayonet force, and scores of D&D figures were completed....My son already has the ones I painted for his collection someplace in his crime scene of a room...😨

I made serious inroads on my MERCS collection. The cyberpunk minis have also jump-started the 5150 New Hope City project. The MERCS and Cyberpunk figures are also perfect for Star Grave too.

I had weekend duty so I was unable to stay long at Adepticon as I left the con on Friday.  A Christmas gift of Gallowdark joins a hefty haul of new miniatures. I still have samurai, aeronautica imperialis, and flames of war bits I did not get to this time, so the mountain of neglect has not shrunk too much. Warlord Games did bring some FIW troops in exchange for cash and beer...I should have plenty to prep on rainy days.

This was definitely a productive run this time and I will have plenty of quality minis to play with. It was a grand time seeing all the work that fellow challengers completed and quite a few have inspired a few new projects I may pursue in the future. A friend has offered to give me a copy of Horus Heresy in exchange for painting an army for him, My brushes may be kept out a bit longer! Now I have to turn out gear and get ready for further training, work, and family time....but without extensive hours at the painting desk! Thank you once again to Curt and Sarah for the painting time and all of the minions for the assistance in keeping the challenge gears moving. Thank you also to all of my fellow challengers for the kind words and encouragement and the steady flow of miniature eye candy. I hope to see all of your brushwork again when the snows come!


From TeemuL: Challenge XIII Wrap up

It happens to be a Thor's Day again, so you know how it goes. First some cold hard facts about Finland and then some minis.



The feeling when all temperatures around +0 °C  feel warm.

Everything is relative. After a long, cold Finnish winter, even a chilly spring day feels warm.

---End of a Finn talking about Finland---

Here they are, the minis I painted during the Challenge. This time I paid attention to collect all the minis in one place after they were completed, so I wouldn't miss them (like poor hobbits couple of Challenges ago) when doing the wrap up.

And here is the famous(?) Ikea box. As you can see there are still some (quite a lot) Mithril minis and 10 metal warriors for Army of Dead (which were not included in the label). So yes, I managed to paint all the Rohan and Dwarf warriors from the box, part of the Challenge completed succesfully.

And speaking of dwarfs, here they are. I have painted some Khazad Guards and Dwarf Kings in the past, so together they are quite an army already, but I still want to buy some reinforcements, rangers and specialists.

There weren't that many Rohans in the box, but most of them required some repairing or converting, so they were a bit more time consuming, but here they are all finished. I'm happy to have two warriors with flag and one with war horn, they should do small wonders for my force.

Here I have collected all the Mithril minis I painted. They were very good material for the Studios (sadly the movie never made it) and refreshing to paint, so characterful - happy to have lots of them to do in the box!

And this is me, staring in the bright future. We had kind of a spring last week, sun was shining, snow melted and all that, but it started to snow again on Saturday and now there is some 10-15 cms of snow and it continues - it is Monday now, it should be snowing until end of Tuesday. So yes, we were above zero last week, but now below. I have scheduled to publish this on Thor's Day, when it should be around zero and it will fit the emoji on the top.

And here is a group shot of a small unit of Oldhammer Orcs, I painted the right column (and snotlings in back) during the Challenge and managed to get a quick shot of a nice unit. Most of the other stuff were quite random and didn't fit to any existing group or unit, so they should look quite ok in the main photo and of course in my weekly Challenge posts.

Thank you everyone, all the organizers, minions, participants, commentators and readers! Let's see what kind of madness we have next winter, see you in December!