This is what I painted this winter in my mad dash to come equal 1st. They had better reinforce the podium
Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Monday, 22 March 2021
From MartinC Challenge XI Wrap up
from RayR - Challenge XI Wrap up
Sadly the 11th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has come to an end for another year. It was another titanic tussle for all involved, but what a grand motivational experience it was!!!
I gave myself a fairly easy (for me) 1000 point target and hoped for a top 20 placing, but I surpassed both of my targets, mainly due to Covid to be honest. I was put on a staggered part time furlough just before Christmas, so I had to stay at home. Now my wife Emma works from home in our front room, where the TV is. So every morning I sadly had to go up my shed, to get out of her way??? Shame I hear you all cry!!
So I had to sit and paint my figures all day, gutted eh?
I painted up
AdamC: AHPC XI Wrap up and Navel Arms Race results.
Its been a great challenge the most challenging one so far I just managed to pass my target of 1000 points. My fleets have grown significantly as can be seen here: State if the Fleets post Challenge
From NoelW: It all began with a Yorkshire Rap
And now it's a wrap from a Yorkshireman.
Nice to come full circle. Here's me with the accomplishment of the last three months:
You can see that one thing that hasn't improved since this time last year is my photographic skills. I must get round to reading the manual. And that smirk suggests that the subject has never seen a camera before.
On the table is everything I've painted during the Challenge, apart from two items: one ship was, rather like its owner, too highly strung, so when it received a little knock, mast and bowsprit sprang asunder - the perils of using fragile 3D print tech, I guess. So it's sitting in dry dock at present. And my favourite piece of the entire Challenge is not here either: I scratch-built a Poe-esque pendulum early in the Challenge, and was so pleased with it I carefully stored it away in this secure cupboard - I mean, that deep drawer - my mistake - probably in the Really Useful Box with all the Frostgrave - no? - er...did I even build the thing? Well, it must be here somewhere. Maybe I'll rediscover it before December.
I was very pleased with this year's painting and modelling, even though the points total fell way short of the last two years. I'd planned to advance 12 projects, and am happy to find that 10 of them are better off now than they were when we began.
Here's a couple more shots of the figures.
Pretty impossible to make out individual pieces, but I've managed to work on terrain, ships, 10mm, 28mm, historical in 10 theatres/periods, sci fi and fantasy. No 15mm, though, nothing later than Napoleonic, and no vehicles, so those are things to start planning for when we rebegin in December. Knowing me, I'll have that planning well under way by midday tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone again for brilliant posts, excellent painting, imaginative gaming and some inspirational work. I think this Challenge is a model for how people can, and should, get on with each other online, so I'm hoping Curt will be rolling out the paradigm to the UN real soon now. Meanwhile, failing that, I'll see you all again in December.
LeeH - Wrapping up... see you all in December!
From SimonG: AHPC XI Wrap Up - Until Next Time!
When you get it all out at once it does seem like I;ve been able to accomplish a decent amount in the last three months (at least my wife was impressed!)
The Black Rose Wars game pieces have been a nice diversion and I've got about 75 more of these still to paint so no doubt I'll be dipping into them on and off over the next several years 🤪
My favourite however has been the 10mm Cold War project -- it was great to be able to start and finish an army and to be able to pack it all in one KR Case at the end and the small but characterful sculpts kept me engaged -- I'm looking forward to getting the British done over the next couple of months and then add some West Germans just as soon as Timecast and Red3 get their Leopards done!
Anyway thanks again to everyone who has been involved in and participated in this year's challenge -- I'm looking forward to next year and if anyone finds themselves in East Kent once lockdown has eased give me a ping and we can meet up for a beer and a game!
Curt's AHPC XI WrapUp & The Vaccination Challenge
I'm not an especially prolific painter by any measure, but I'm always struck by the amount of stuff that I still manage to get done during the three months of the Challenge. Sure, the figures are amazingly disjointed, as if they were painted by some crazy person, but I do love to get things off the desk and into the cabinets.
This shot will be laughable seen next to the titans of the Challenge roster (I'm looking at you Miles, Martin and Noel), but it's mine, so I'm pleased enough. :)
As to the figures I particularly enjoyed working on:
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Arkham Coppers and 'Ginger' Brede |
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Dark Denizens of Breugel-Bosch |
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Renaissance Knights |
I apologize if I was somewhat detached this year, it was a very busy winter for me as my work was in the middle of a consolidation to a new location, onboarding new staff and learning a new software environment. It's all 'new' y'know. Anyway, all this silly work stuff impinged on the very important world of hobbying, and staying on top of the Challenge. Thankfully I had an ace crew to make sure everything stayed on the rails. Thanks again gang!
Thank you for dropping in to see what I did this winter! I had a wonderful time, got to 'meet' new people and managed to get some stuff done. A big WIN on all accounts!
As a final note, I'm playing with the idea of running a stripped-down 'Vaccination Challenge'. Basically it would be a new Challenge built within the Quarantine Challenge blog. The rules will be that you can post until you get vaccinated, then you get one last post as your farewell. I'm hoping, crossed fingers, that by late summer there will be no one left on the roster to post. :)
Let me know if you're interested and I'll put you on the roster.
Let's have some fun while we see Covid off.
So say we all.
- Curt Actual, Out.