Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Thursday, 7 March 2024
From KentG: 40mm Napoleonic British and French infantry & Musketeers (81pts)
From Kerry T - Some cross Swiss and fiery Imperials (145 points)
Morning, afternoon & evening all
For my second post this week, its back to the Great Italian Wars.
This started a good few years ago when I got well and truly "shinnied" by a picture of the then new Artizan Designs Landsknecht. A few years later I added some of their Swiss pike and I think last year added a few arquebusiers to keep them company.
A year on and I've added some Swiss Crossbowmen
From the versatile Perry Plastics European Mercenaries box |
I still haven't sorted a rule set or played a game with my growing Italian wars collection so far but figured it would be sensible for the Swiss pike to have some fire support. I put 12 plastic figures together but added the metal Swiss heads sold on the Perry Miniatures website
Stripey trousers not really optional |
Come back you cowards |
So in summary
12 Swiss Crossbowmen 28mm @5 points = 60
16 Imperial arquebusiers in 28mm@ 5 points = 80 points
Total 140 points
2 Squirrels
From Millsy: There are few sights more impressive on a games table than renaissance pike if you ask me. What a wonderful batch of figures this is Kerry, right down to all the crazy striped leggings which is worth another 5 point from my POV. Capped off with a decent batch of huge banners these are a real treat. Love 'em mate!
From GeoffreyT: No bonus points for me (25 points)
Hello Challengers,
This week I have a few minis I have worked hard on, trying to get a smoother look and using nice matte finishes. Black lining with washes and inks to delineate areas rather than just rely on colour contrast.
The first three are from Banhus miniatures, cast by mammoth miniatures. I have no idea what they are, but I like them a lot and am sure I could use them in one of many miniature agnostic games. They are very beautiful sculpts, but there was some very thick flash and some bubbles in the casts which is annoying.
Finally a baddie from Northstar minis, it is a Krampus, a bonus fig that came with a Silver bayonet package deal.
These are all 28mm, so 5 x 5 = 25 points. Sadly I have already scarfed all the bonus points and there is none left for me, but it does push me over the 1000 point target I set myself.
There is a skull on one of the Banhus miniatures, and also 9 skullz on the Palanquin of Nurgle I forgot to claim last week. So these extra 10 skullz brings my total to 17.
Kind Regards
From Millsy: Your efforts to produce a smooth finish on this batch of minis has paid off in spades Geoff. I'm particularly impressed by the snail-turkey(?) thing's shell but they are impressive in their own way. If you want some other minis to fit alongside have a look at Eureka's chaos stuff. Proper weird! Super brushwork mate...
From StephenS: Skeletor [Fantasy] (25 points)
G'day All,
It has been a little while since I have posted, and the deadline is starting to impose itself. I could blame life, work etc., which is true (though it has been lots of fun too), but I've also been a bit of a hobby butterfly, landing on many projects without staying long enough to finish any.
Something I have managed to knock off is Skeletor from CMON's Clash for Eternia game. Having finished off a few of the good guys and gals, it was time to do the baddies. I tossed up what category to shelve the miniature under in the library, as the show is a hybrid of sword and sorcery and technological sci-fi. However, since at the end of the day it is a blue man with a skull for a face who has magic powers and lives in a snake-shaped castle, I have gone with fantasy over sci-fi. Others may freely disagree of course.
From TomL: Oversized & Selfhelp (115 points)
Bringing us to the next two sections in the final room of the AHCP via the library cart are two May dancers from Crooked Dice Miniatures. These were painted using Foundry skin triads, ProAcrylic whites, Vallejo Ivory and contrast paints for the wreaths.
![]() | ||
Surely such an innocent, wholesome maiden can be trusted? |
This 107 mm tall fast food toy was cleaned, molded copy right and advertising scrapped off and superfluous stickers removed. A few coats of various shades of grey with the airbrush, grey brown on the recesses, fluorescent yellow eyes and some battle damage on his head and he was complete.
Guiding us to the next section is another fair May dancer.
We all can use some help in life. What can be more helpful than centering yourself and working on your enlightenment in this busy noisy world?
These Pulp Figures monks were painted using Two Thin Coat paints and Foundry skin triads. The larger wooden Buddha I inherited from my grandfather. I am not a Buddhist but I have always thought it looked best surrounded by plants.
Points: 115. Millsy, I'm guessing at the points for the Iron Giant so correct as needed. The Ho scale kids & scenery were completed for one of my son's school projects long ago.
Library Cart - 20 pts
Oversized Books - 20 points
Self-help - 20 points
7 28mm figures @ 5 - 35 points
1 107mm figure - 20 points [Millsy - sounds about right!]
From Millsy: I reckon by now you must have the largest collection of female miniatures of any challenger Tom. The May dancers are wonderfully characterful and I can see them both as NPC types for flavour or as protagonists e.g. cultists. The giant is a big guy but a simple paint job so let's score him like a 28mm vehicle. Great work!