Prussian Napoleonic Landwehr and skirmishers
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Silesian Landwehr battalion, flag is somewhere in the post...... |
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Landwehr regimental commander |
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Line battalion commander |
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line battalion skirmisher command |
Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
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Silesian Landwehr battalion, flag is somewhere in the post...... |
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Landwehr regimental commander |
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Line battalion commander |
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line battalion skirmisher command |
Dear Challengers, if you do not fancy a sentimental post please skip this one, because it will get emotional. This will be my last post this Challenge which is mainly due to two reasons: firstly I have to pack up my man-cave in order for a building crew to get going with our home renovation and secondly because my painting juices have drained after my Dad passed away. Last Saturday we laid him to rest and while he was sick, Dad passed quite suddenly and even though I thought I would be able to keep painting as a distraction from it all, I find myself really tired and not able to find my mojo. Most figures shown here were already mostly finished and I only had to put the last strokes of the brush to them.
Let's start with some 25mm Old School DnD figures.
My friend Martijn (main sponsor of miniatures and main beneficiary of this post) will get these to give away at the DnD sessions he's hosting at his shop to players who have no figures. These figures I obtained in a big lot from ebay that contained a lot of old fantasy figures amongst which were a lot of old metal GW figures.
Specially for Greg, I have converted and painted one of my Horus Heresy Dark Angel Praetors, I am really happy with how he turned out. This is basically the Praetor with the double-handed weapon from the Age of Darkness boxed set which I gave a Terranic Greatsword and a pistol as well as a hooded head to tie in more with the Dark Angel esthetics. For the same reason I gave him a Scribor resin shoulderpad featuring a lion, making him a Calibanite Dark Angel.
After these rather random figures it's time for one last stop in my Studio tour, I had rather liked to stay in a bit longer and visit more halls but it isn't to be. So I will visit the World Cinema with Stalingrad! This battle has been put on the big screen several times but the one I like best is the 1993 version.
These WW2 Russians from Warlord's Stalingrad set, are also for Martijn . I have painted them up as demo army for the store and these are the last of the Russians. A few Germans still remain undercoated till after the renovation.
There's also a Panzer IV in the big box and I have painted it up to go along these chaps, you'll notice that it is lacking markings, this is mainly because I didn't have any but also because Martijn and myself still have to decide what unit the vehicle will belong to.
With this last post I am well shy of my 1000 points target, but that would always have been a problem this year due to the renovation. So I am happy with what I have finished this season and will strive to come back with a vengeance next year. As to the calculation of the points I calculate the following:
3 DnD figures 15 points
1 Praetor (4 skullz by the way) 5 points
22 Russians 110 points
1 vehicle 20 points
Studio bonus 20 points
Is 160 points total.
Next year I will surely do some sort of tribute post for my Dad, but I can't do it just now it's a bit too fresh and I want to take my time to come up with something fitting and not hurry it. Have a good last few weeks everyone!
Cheers Sander
It's a shame we won't get to see more from you this year, Sander, but we all understand the reason. Your arithmetic was slightly off - the total comes to 170 points, and as the D&D figures are a gift for Martijn I'm going to give you the Gift Shop bonus points for them, so that's 190 points total for this post.
Morning, afternoon & evening all
I thought I'd have a change from Italian Wars this week and also drop down a size and return to my first love 15mm Napoleonics
Before I do I thought I'd hitch another lift from Lady Sarah courtesy of Molly Miggins
A Blue Moon Figure |
Its probably fitting that Molly's wearing a blue dress as she's a Blue Moon Figure from the Duelists pack, I hope to finish the rest of the pack for next week's entry.
Does my bum look big in this? |
Molly has directed the chauffeur to my 4th Blue studio so she can show a leg and try and catch the eye of heartthrob Colonel Joshua Chamberlain of 20th Maine fame. Clearly Colonel Chamberlain, otherwise know as Jeff Daniels intends to single handedly charge the 15th Alabama and chase them from the field at Gettysburg.
He has to charge alone because he's the only 28mm ACW figure I think I have |
As you can see, success there's not a rebel in sight (I don't have any!) |
Next up some 15mm AB figures, a battalion of Young Guard Tirailleurs-Grenadiers
A Young Guard division is a great Napoleonic asset and I often use them in a game and will vary their morale as needed from Elite to conscript depending on the scenario
My studio visits to date |
So in summary then
2 x 28mm figures@ 5 points = 10
Lady Sarah's Limousine & Wild West studio = 40 points
32 x 15mm figures @ 2 points = 64 points
Total 114 points
1 Squirrel
Even with the errors, those Tirailleurs of the Young Guard look excellent, as do Molly and JC.
Hey Everyone!
Though I have not posted much these past few weeks I have been steadily working on several projects all at once (yes, I know, no surprises there). With Dave raising his standard on keeping Tuesday 'Turnip Free' I couldn't resist pressing on with this root vegetable entry to mess with his lofty edict. :)
For this year's Challenge I wanted to see if I could complete two baseline forces for Turnip28. They're not quite there yet, but I am inching ever closer. I've managed to finish the line infantry ('Fodder'), light infantry ('Chaff'), the light cavalry ('Welps') and the artillery ('Stump Guns' and Bombard). So, for this entry I have a contingent of the heavy infantry, 'The Brutes'.
In game terms, Brutes are both more resilient and somewhat better skilled (less bad?) than their fellow foot sloggers. Not as numerous as the Fodder, being composed of only 6 figures, Brutes still make a valuable storm group to help take down nastier targets.
Like most of my Turnip stuff, these guys are from Knucklebones Miniatures. I quite like the brutal, inelegant, slabbed trench armour they're sporting. It makes them imposingly bulky, and fairly easy to identify on the tabletop. Again, I've laid on heavy with the rust, and festooned them with mushrooms and flora all in the fun of it.
I have another group primed-up and ready to go, but I'm not sure if I'll get them done in time as I'm trying to get some other stuff across the finish line first.
Anyway, these six armoured knuckledraggers should give me 30 Points.
Next up will be the objective markers.
Thanks for dropping in for a look, and HAPPY TURNIP TUESDAY!!
- Curt
As a continuation with the topic of my submission of last week, I bring for this Tuesday more German Early War goodies, in the form of a motorbike with sidecar, to be used as the LMG support for my motorized unit.
I have a second model in store but I could not finish basing the model in time. Actually the support unit was supposed to be a total of three of these bikes with sidecars ... but it seems that I forgot to print the third file and unfortunately I have the printer in my family's vacation house (closed until Spring).
As with the motorbikes presented last week, this is a Eskice model. Nice detail and very dynamic poses as usual, although the face sculpting is slightly cartoonie.
So small addition to my Challenge score this week: after requesting clarification from the minion-in-charge, I was told this model will be worth 20 points, as it comprises two vehicles with two riders (each 10 points)
For our final stop in the AHPC XIII Challenge Studios we're stopping off at tha Art House for a remake/revision of George Clooney's 2009 black comedy "The Men Who Stare at Goats" -- but this time it's "The Goats Who Stare at Men"!
The Stars of this epic are six thespian bovidae who in real life will be populating the slopes of the temple mount when I finish my Jewish Wars monster scenery (which should be with you next week). So in the mean time to fill things in I’m submitting these six 28mm Eureka miniatures goats -- which are really nice figures.
They are very well sculpted with individual character in each face -- well deserving a bit of time and attention with my new OptiVISOR offering a great close up view for detail work (going all the way with the 3.5x magnification)
Also from IronGate are a couple of Roman braziers -- again 3D and the bowl really shows the limitations of this approach. Apologies for the poor effort at a marble finish 🤪.
The final piece you might have seen in the background is a small water feature I made out of remnants from the eight Sarissa aqueducts I had to purchase to construct two large walkways as part of the temple complex (which you'll see next week). The trailing flower detailing is again from MP (and is a bear to work with) and I also experimented with resin water effects for the first time -- although kicking myself for not including a mosaic underneath the water, I'll do that on another water feature when I make it.
And to give a feel for it all together here they are along with some of my 28mm Jewish fighters
* * * * * * * * * * *
Points wise my reckoning is 36.5 points
Those goats are so cute, I'm going to let you shoehorn them in for "Arthouse". Nice work on the terrain.
Quick tip that I've recently discovered for hiding layer lines on 3D prints - apply a coat or two of matt Mod Podge before priming; it's self-leveling so will fill the recesses on its own. This tip can also be used for filling gaps in models - much cheaper and easier than using greenstuff and its ilk.