I have a real mixed bag for my submission today that includes some ravens from Mierce Miniatures, a 3d printed Frog lady from the Mandalorian, and a 3d printed freighter for Cruel Seas.
First up are the ravens from Mierce miniatures. These figures are really well detailed, even though it's hard to tell due to the colour of them. Mierce does some amazing sculpts, so if you haven't looked at them yet, check them out, I will warn you though, they are expensive, not as bad as GW pricing, but pretty damn close. They are so nice though I could not help but pick up a viking force, and these are the first unit from that force.
I painted these figures entirely with oil paints so that I could get a nice blue/black effect, and blend back and forth without worrying about drying time. In person they have that iridescent blue tint that real ravens do, but it only kinda shows in the images. I also highlighted the wing tips way more than they should be in real life, but it was the only way to not have them just look like blue/black blobs.
Next up is a figure for my return to the chamber of challenges, for the hatchery. This is a 3d printed version of the Frog Lady from the Mandalorian show, complete with her container of eggs.
I tried to paint eggs into the blue area, but they just kept looking like polka dots, so I eventually gave up and just left the container blue.... Maybe baby Yoda finished them off as a snack... I plan to use this figure as an objective in Star Wars games, maybe both sides are trying to get the caviar!
She is pretty basic, but that is because I was trying out some new paints. She was painted entirely with the new Scale75 contrast paints. Which while interesting, I think is only really usable as base coats to setup for more detailed work with regular paints on top. But they are another tool to have, and they came in a fancy wood treasure chest.
Lastly is a freighter that I 3d printed for Cruel Seas. The game comes with a card stock token for use in games but it looks really lame next to all the other ships as miniatures, so thingiverse to the rescue and bingo, one freighter. Well, actually 2 as Curt asked for one as well because its too big to print on the older resin printers, but I have one of the larger format new ones, so there is one here for you when we next get to game. The print came out ok, not perfect as the model had some issues, but a little greenstuff and it was good as new.
I painted it up pretty simply, and looked up a name of an ill fated freighter from WW2 to name it as, and then glued in some brass rod as the mast and antenna and called it done.
This varied array of figs should work out to roughly 60 points.
I say roughly as I am not really sure on points. Sure the birds are technically 32mm figures, but are smaller so I counted the 5 as 4x28mm = 20 points. The frog lady is 35mm so 7 + 20 for the hatchery bonus = 27 points. The Freighter is at least 3 times bigger than the other Cruel Seas ships, but is pretty basic so I put it in as worth 2 of them so 12 points.